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Improving the quality of general education in the City of Suwałki - preparation of documentation in the School Complex No. 1 in Suwałki Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
1. The subject of the contract is the preparation of design documentation for the reconstruction of part of the premises and the performance of renovation works in the building of the 3rd High School in Suwałki. The facility is located in the conservation protection zone. 2. The developed project documentation aims to: a) obtaining a building permit (room in the basement), b) notification of construction works (fourth floor of the building), c) conducting a tender procedure for the implementation of the task and execution of works, d) execution of works. 3. A detailed description of the subject-matter of the contract is set out in Annex 2 ‘Description of the subject-matter of the contract’. 4. The contract is co-financed from the European Funds for Podlaskie 2021-2027 Programme. CHANGES to the contract are set out in Annex 7 (due to the limitations of the contract notice, the full text is set out in Annex 7) 1. The contracting authority provides for the possibility of amending the concluded contract in relation to the content of the negotiations in the scope regulated in Articles 454-455 of the Public Procurement Law and indicated below. 2. The amendment of the contract requires the maintenance of a written form for its validity, otherwise it will be null and void. 3. The Contracting Authority provides for the possibility of amending the contract in the form of annexes in the following cases: 1) changes in remuneration due to a change in: the rate of tax on goods and services, the Contractor is entitled to submit to the Contracting Authority a written request for amendment of the Contract as regards payments resulting from invoices issued after the entry into force of provisions amending VAT. The request should contain a comprehensive factual justification and an indication of the legal grounds for the change in the rate of VAT and a precise calculation of the amount of remuneration due to the Contractor after the amendment of the Contract. Evidence that these changes will have an impact on the costs of performance of the contract by the Contractor shall rest solely with the Contractor; 2) change the bank account number; 3) change of the deadline for the execution of the contract in the case of: a) there is a delay in issuing decisions, permits, arrangements, expert opinions or other administrative acts necessary to implement the subject-matter of the Contract, which the competent authorities are obliged to issue under the law, if the delay exceeds the period provided for in the law in which the aforementioned decisions should be issued and are not the result of circumstances for which the Contractor is responsible, b) the need to obtain a court judgment or other decision of a court or public administration authority, the obtaining of which was not provided for in the description of the subject-matter of the contract (or in any other document forming part of the documentation of the public procurement procedure), and is necessary in order to perform the Contractor's obligations under the Contract, c) the initiation of judicial or administrative proceedings by any entity preventing the Contractor from performing the subject-matter of the Contract, in particular suspending the possibility of obtaining appropriate administrative decisions, arrangements, permits, expert opinions or other administrative acts necessary to perform the subject-matter of the Contract, d) changes in the technical conditions of network managers, which prevent the Contractor from performing his obligations under the Contract, e) delays by network administrators in issuing connection conditions despite the Contractor fulfilling all the conditions for their receipt, f) force majeure, i.e. a random external event independent of the Parties, which was unforeseeable at the time of issuing the order and which could not have been prevented despite exercising due diligence. The Parties agree that force majeure means in particular: war, terrorist attack, natural disasters, fire, flood, earthquake, hurricane, strike, (g) impediments resulting from the prevention, prevention or control of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases and their emergencies. In such a situation, the Contractor is entitled to submit a written request to the Ordering Party to amend the Contract as regards the term of the contract. Proof that the above-mentioned situations have affected the performance of the contract rests solely with the Contractor, h) changes in generally applicable law affecting the date of performance of the subject matter of the Contract, including in particular the obligation on the Contractor to obtain additional administrative decisions, arrangements, permits, expert opinions or other administrative acts necessary to perform the subject matter of the Contract, which was not necessary at the stage of submitting tenders, i) difficulties related to obtaining industry arrangements, j) calls by public administration authorities or other authorised entities to supplement the subject matter of the contract or its individual stages, k) delay of the Contracting Authority in accepting project documentation or its elements, which resulted in delay of the Contractor in the performance of further obligations under the Contract, l) delay of the Contracting Authority in submitting to the Contractor the documents necessary to perform the subject matter of the Contract, whose obligation to provide the Contractor with the subject matter results from the Contract, m) issuing an instruction to change, n) awarding an additional contract to the Contractor, - the date of performance of the Contract may be changed by the time by which the above-mentioned circumstances have affected the deadline for performance of the Contract by the Contractor, this prevented the Contractor from timely performance of the subject matter. 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71220000 - Architectural design services
71221000 - Architectural services for buildings
71317100 - Fire and explosion protection and control consultancy services
71320000 - Engineering design services
71420000 - Landscape architectural services
71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Type: price
Description: Cena
Weight (percentage, exact):
Type: quality
Description: Termin realizacji etapu I (przedmiotem negocjacji skrócenie terminu do 30.11.2024r)
Weight (percentage, exact):
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