Opening of tenders05/03/2025
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Maintaining cleanliness and greenery in the Justice Urban Complex. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
1. The subject of the contract is the service of maintaining cleanliness and maintaining greenery in the Urban Complex of the Justice Department at ul. Krasiński 2/4/6 in Warsaw. 2. The subject-matter of the contract has been divided into two parts: a) Part No 1 – provision of cleaning services b) Part No 2 – provision of green maintenance services. 3. The description of the subject of the contract (OPZ), including a detailed description of individual parts, is provided in the annexes to the SWZ: a) for Lot No 1 of the subject of the contract – Annex No 1A, b) for Lot No 2 of the subject of the contract – Annex No 1B. 4. Contractors may apply for the award of a contract if they fulfil the conditions relating to: (1) Ability to trade: The Contracting Authority does not set a condition in this respect, 2) the right to conduct a specific business or professional activity, if it results from separate provisions: The contracting authority does not set a condition in this respect, 3) economic or financial situation: The Contracting Authority will consider that the condition is met if the Contractor demonstrates that: has civil liability insurance in the scope of activities related to the subject of the contract for a guarantee sum of this insurance not less than: a) PLN 1 000 000.00 (for Lot No. 1 of the subject of the contract), b) PLN 200 000.00 (for Lot No. 2 of the subject of the contract). 4) technical or professional capacity: a) with regard to Part No 1: The Contracting Authority will consider the above condition to be fulfilled if the Contractor demonstrates that during the last 3 (three) years counted back from the date on which the deadline for submission of tenders expires, and if the period of activity is shorter - during this period, he has duly performed or performs at least 2 separate services (contracts, orders), each of which consisted in: - maintaining cleanliness in a public building with a usable area of at least 20 000 m2; - continuously for a period of at least 12 months; The services should be provided on a continuous basis, i.e. for a continuous period of at least 12 months. In the case of services still performed, the condition will be met if, at the date of submission of tenders, the duration of each service still performed is not less than 12 months. Where a service is provided under a single contract with the same customer for a period of more than 12 months, that service shall be treated as a single contract. In the case of ‘combined’ contracts (e.g. a cleaning service combined with security or other services), only the value of the cleaning service will be taken into account to fulfil the above condition of participation in the procedure. The cleaning service in public buildings will be considered to be the material scope corresponding to the subject of the contract. (...) (b) with regard to Part No 2: The Contracting Authority will consider the above condition to be fulfilled if the Contractor demonstrates that during the last 3 (three) years counted back from the date on which the deadline for submission of tenders expires, and if the period of activity is shorter - during this period, he has duly performed or performs at least 2 separate services (contracts, orders), each of which consisted in: - maintenance of greenery, care of outdoor areas; - continuously for a period of at least 12 months; - with the value of the service not less than PLN 250 000.00 gross. The services should be provided on a continuous basis, i.e. for a continuous period of at least 12 months. In the case of services still performed, the condition will be met if, at the date of submission of tenders, the duration of each service still performed is not less than 12 months. In the case of services that are still performed, the Contractor is obliged to demonstrate that at the date of submission of tenders the contract was executed for a minimum amount of PLN 250 000.00 gross. Where a service is provided under a single contract for a period exceeding 12 months, that service shall be treated as a single contract. In the case of ‘combined’ contracts (e.g. a cleaning service combined with security or other services), only the value of the green maintenance services will be taken into account to fulfil the above condition of participation in the procedure. By the value of the Agreement in progress (not completed on the date of submission of tenders), the Ordering Party understands the value of the completed Agreement, from the date of its conclusion to the date of submission of tenders. 5. The Contracting Authority shall allow the same services to be shown as evidence of the fulfilment of the condition relating to technical or professional capacity for each lot, provided that the Contractor demonstrates that they satisfy the condition in Part 1, Part 2 respectively. 6. In the case of Contractors jointly applying for a contract (consortium, partnership), the conditions for participation in the Procedure may be fulfilled by one Contractor or jointly by all Contractors jointly applying for a contract. 7. The assessment of the fulfilment of the conditions required from the Contractors will be carried out according to the following formula: ‘comply — does not comply’, on the basis of the information contained in the declarations and documents submitted. 8. The contracting authority informs that the submission of the tender must be preceded by an on-site visit. Deadlines for local visits: a) for C. No 1 of the subject of the contract: 11.02.2025 a.m. 11:00 or 18.02.2025 a.m. 11:00, b) for Pt. No 2 of the subject of the contract: 11.02.2025 a.m. 10:00 or 18.02.2025 a.m. 10:00, 10. Starting point of the on-site visit: for Lots 1 and 2 of the subject of the contract: pl. Krasiński 2/4/6, hall at the main entrance to the Supreme Court, 11. Before submitting a tender for a given part of the subject-matter of the contract, each Contractor must be present on-site at least one time for the part of the contract for which the Contractor intends to submit a tender. 12. A tender from a Contractor who fails to carry out a mandatory on-site visit for a given lot will be rejected in the part of the contract in which the Contractor did not participate in the on-site visit. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
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