Opening of tenders10/12/2024
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Evaluation study of the efficiency of the Subprojects of Action 16778 "Digitalisation of archives and related services", Code: TA1101 Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
The activities of EKT as the National Authority and Body of the Hellenic Statistical System, as well as its role as documentation body for public policies of the Ministry of Digital Governance, which is the supervising Ministry, include the statistical collection and combined processing and documentation of public policies and policy data related to the responsibilities of that Ministry. Action 16778 consists of the digitisation of public sector archives (in the fields of justice, health, general state archives, immigration and asylum, expropriations, urban planning, cadastre, maritime affairs) and their integration into the relevant information systems, as well as the pilot implementation of the secure storage of public sector archives and the "broader" public sector. A total of nine (9) Sub-projects seek to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of public institutions, provide improved digital public services to citizens and businesses and facilitate the day-to-day operations of public administration. The effort to evaluate the benefits of digitization, especially when it comes to estimating the reduction in total cost and time, is important, as the digitization of public sector archives has been a key step towards the modernization of the Greek Public Administration and the direct access of citizens and businesses to e-government services. This document describes the subject of the Sub-Project entitled "Study on the evaluation of the efficiency of the Sub-Projects of Action 16778 "Digitalisation of archives and related services"", which aims to assess the overall impact of the Sub-Projects on the digitalisation of Action 16778. More specifically, this project will have as its object the provision of design services, and the design and implementation of a relevant methodological approach in order to assess the efficiency of the Subprojects for Digitalisation of Action 16778 regarding the following: • Reduction of the service time of beneficiaries (citizens and businesses) by the Public Administration and reduction of the back-office operations, with the aim of assessing the reduction of administrative burdens • Saving costs and resources, due to better access to archives • Release of inappropriate spaces in which, until now, State archives are stored in physical form for other uses • Assessment of the possibility of utilising digitised files / data to achieve fully online digital services (end-to-end digital services) • Reduction of the environmental footprint, for the purposes of the digitisations in question. At the same time, studies will be carried out concerning: • the production of reference material on methodological issues measuring the efficiency of digitisation projects, • the mapping of the wider qualitative and quantitative benefits of digitisation (reduction of bureaucracy, more immediate service times, self-service, etc.) that all user communities (Public Administration Bodies, citizens, businesses) have obtained based on pre-selected criteria, • the recording of best practices and the highlighting of risks, as observed during the above evaluation of the efficiency of digitisation projects and which can be used during the digitisation of Public Administration archives in the future, • the production of reports from the findings. In this context, the implementation of this project will be achieved through the completion of the following Work Units: • Working Unit 1 (WP1): Design of a methodology for evaluating the efficiency and benefits of the Digitalisation Subprojects of Action 16778 (quantitative and qualitative criteria) • Working Unit 2 (WP2): Carrying out an assessment of the efficiency and benefit of the Digitalisation Subprojects of Action 16778 • Working Module 3 (WP3): Identification of best practices and areas for improvement resulting from the services examined Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
79400000 - Business and management consultancy and related services
72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
72310000 - Data-processing services CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
79990000 - Miscellaneous business-related services CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
79999000 - Scanning and invoicing services CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
Type: quality
Description: Μεθοδολογική προσέγγιση υλοποίησης του Έργου
Weight (percentage, exact): 65
Type: quality
Description: Σχήμα Διοίκησης – Ομάδα Έργου
Weight (percentage, exact): 35
Type: price
Description: Αj = 80% * (Tj/Tmax) + 20% * (Οmin/Οj)
Weight (percentage, exact):
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