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Foundation of LBC Breeze, elements of ÚSES and windbreaks of Dluhošina v k. ú. Nivnice Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Note: Not all information for this procedure were successfully computed. Please consult linked documents for more details.
The subject of the public contract are services consisting in the implementation of new elements that are part of LBC Hůrky and elements of ÚSES v k.ú. Nivnice and windbreaks Dluhošiny v k. ú. Nivnice. This public contract is implemented within the framework of the project Establishment of LBC Hůrky and elements of ÚSES in k.ú. Nivnice, project registration number CZ.05.01.03/11/23_046/0004086, and project Nivnice, Větrolam V43, V44 Dluhošiny, project registration number OPZP_24_1_3_07_00013, which are financed from the budget of the contracting authority and from the subsidy programme Operational Programme Environment (OPE). To obtain more information on the subject of the public contract and the terms and conditions, the contracting authority refers to the draft contract for work, itemized budget and project documentation, where these documents are published on the contracting authority's profile. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
77310000 - Planting and maintenance services of green areas
77300000 - Horticultural services
45112710 - Landscaping work for green areas
72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
72261000 - Software support services CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
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