Opening of tenders08/01/2025
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Collection and management of biodegradable waste with code 20 02 01 from the Transshipment Station in Trelków Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
1. The subject of the contract is the service of collection and management of biodegradable waste with code 20 02 01, in a way that ensures the transfer of responsibility for waste management to the next waste holder. 2. Biodegradable waste (20 02 01) – is municipal waste collected in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Climate and Environment, i.e., among others, so-called green and food residues from households and housing estates collected by residents or cleaning services in bulk or in bags – in accordance with local regulations for maintaining cleanliness and order in the parent municipalities of the Company. 3. Biodegradable waste may contain approx. 10% of biodegradable municipal kitchen waste fraction. 4. The quantity of waste of code 20 02 01 to be collected and managed under the basic contract is 1.200 Mg, of which: in the 600 Mg bag system and in the 600 Mg bagless system. 5. The contracting authority has no influence on the size of the incoming waste stream, due to the high variability of this stream. In connection with the above, the Contracting Authority, within the framework of this contract, allows the use of the option referred to in Art. 1 of the Public Procurement Act. The Customer may use the option in whole or in part, at one time or in several parts. An option is foreseen to increase the amount of waste for reception and management with code 20 02 01 in addition to 1,600 Mg, including: in the bag system up to 800 Mg, in the bagless system up to 800 Mg. 6. Taking the above into account, the total amount of waste intended for reception and management is up to 2,800 Mg, with the following for the basic contract: up to 1.200 Mg of which: in the 600 Mg bag system and in the 600 Mg bagless system and for the order under the option: up to 1,600 Mg including: in the bag system up to 800 Mg, in the bagless system up to 800 Mg. 7. Due to the lack of possibility for the Contracting Authority to estimate the amount of waste in bags and without bags – the estimated total weight of waste to be managed (i.e. in a bag and without a bag) is about 1.100 Mg over a period of 12 months. Options will be activated depending on how bio-waste is collected by residents. 8. The Ordering Party will exercise the right of option if there is a demand for further implementation of the above-mentioned services. 9. The waste with code 20 02 01 is collected at the Transhipment Station in Trelków in boxes. 10. The Contractor shall collect the above-mentioned waste from the Ordering Party from the Reloading Station in Trelkowo, Trelkowo 80, Szczytno municipality within 48 hours from the date of notification of the demand for collection by the Ordering Party. Loading on the Ordering Party's side. 11. Waste collected from the Ordering Party will be transferred to the entity holding the decision referred to in Art. 2 point 1 or 2 of the Act of 14 December 2012 on waste indicated by the Contractor before signing the contract. 12. Bio-waste will undergo an aerobic or anaerobic treatment in the R3 recycling process, resulting in compost, digestate or other material or substance that is not waste. 13. The resulting compost, digestate or other material will be used as a product, material or substance and placed on the market as a fertiliser or soil conditioner on the basis of a permit from the minister responsible for agriculture (certificate). 14. Due to the subject matter, the contract must be performed, in particular in accordance with the above-mentioned provisions: 1) Act of 14 December 2012 on waste; 2) the Act of 27 April 2001 on Environmental Protection Law; 3) the Act of 13 September 1996 on maintaining cleanliness and order in municipalities, and other laws and regulations applicable to the subject of the contract. 15. Due to the fact that the Contracting Authority has no influence and is not responsible for the quantities of waste sent to its installation and their quality, they are not guaranteed by the Contracting Authority. 16. For settlements between the Parties, the amount of waste collected will be determined according to the measurement on the Ordering Party's electronic car scale. 17. The transfer of waste will be confirmed by a waste transfer card – in accordance with the applicable legislation. 18. Pursuant to Article 5k of Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 of 31 July 2014 concerning restrictive measures in view of Russia’s actions destabilising the situation in Ukraine, it is prohibited to perform a public contract with subcontractors, suppliers or entities whose capacities are relied on within the meaning of Directive 2014/24/EU where they account for more than 10% of the contract value. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
90500000 - Refuse and waste related services
90533000 - Waste-tip management services
90512000 - Refuse transport services
90511000 - Refuse collection services CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
Type: price
Description: Za podstawę obliczeń przyjęta zostanie łączna cena brutto Oferty podana w Formularzu Oferty. Do określenia liczby punktów uzyskanej przez Wykonawcę za kryterium cena wykorzystany zostanie wzór: Kc = (Cmin / Ci) x 100 gdzie: Kc: liczba punktów przyznana Ofercie badanej za kryterium cena brutto Oferty, Cmin: najniższa oferowana cena brutto spośród pozostałych Ofert Ci: cena brutto Oferty badanej podana w PLN, 100: waga punktowa przyznana kryterium: cena brutto Oferty.
Weight (percentage, exact): 100
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