Opening of tenders07/01/2025
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Property management services of the municipality of Siikajoki Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
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The municipality of Siikajoki invites tenders for property management services for properties managed by the municipality under a contract of indefinite duration. The objective of the property management service is to maintain the condition, value, properties and conditions of the properties managed by the municipality of Siikajoki at the agreed level. The property's user customers are provided with healthy, safe and comfortable premises that can be used for the intended purpose at the agreed times of use. As the representative of the property owner, the municipality, together with the property management service provider, must ensure that the value of the properties does not decrease as a result of poor service provision. The technical and functional quality is emphasised in the production of property management services. The client and the users of the properties evaluate the realisation of the overall quality of the service on the basis of both the end result of the service and the production process they have experienced. In the competitive tendering of property management services, it must also be possible to assess the quality of the service in advance, and the client must have assurance that the service provider is able to plan, organise, implement and develop its operations in accordance with the client's needs. The service provided must be flexible, productive, high-quality and cost-effective, taking into account the principles of sustainable development. The municipality of Siikajoki wants to be a forerunner in the procurement of real estate services, which requires contracting partners to be at the forefront of their field in their own sector. The municipality wants to ensure that the selected service providers have the prerequisites for a long-term partnership based on mutual trust and understanding of good property management services, their production and development. The planning and implementation of property management should be an ongoing process aimed at improving the service level, minimising the maintenance and life cycle costs of properties, and improving energy efficiency while taking into account the client's goals. The municipality of Siikajoki requires that the contractor has modern methods for providing property management services from planning to implementation. The data produced by the service provider during the contract period is collected, for example, for various surveys related to the conditions of properties, condition surveys of buildings, anticipation of future repair needs and financial indicators. Questions related to the call for tenders must be submitted by 19.12.2024 at 12 noon. Questions should be sent from the Tarjouspalvelu.fi supplier portal. The answers to the questions can also be found in the same place. In order to ensure equal treatment of tenderers, questions submitted in other ways will not be answered. If the tenderer notices any ambiguities or contradictions in the invitation to tender or if something in the invitation to tender is open to interpretation, the tenderer is obliged to bring the matter up by submitting a specific question. The tenderer must consult the answers given and make use of any specified information when submitting the tender. Tenders must be submitted by noon on 7 January 2025. The tendering system closes automatically at 12:00:00. After automatic closing, the system does not accept late bids (12:00:00). Tenders must be sent electronically from the Tarjouspalvelu.fi supplier portal at https://tarjouksepalvelu.fi/raahe. Tenders submitted by other means will not be accepted. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
70000000 - Real estate services
70300000 - Real estate agency services on a fee or contract basis CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
Type: price
Weight (percentage, exact): 100
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