Opening of tenders11/02/2025
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New buses for Tczew - delivery of 10 MAXI electric buses Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Note: Not all information for this procedure were successfully computed. Please consult linked documents for more details.
1. The subject of the contract is the supply of 10 electric buses. A detailed description of the subject-matter of the contract is provided in Annex 10 to the SWZ – Description of the subject-matter of the contract. 2. When defining the requirements for standards, the Contracting Authority shall indicate this as a requirement to meet those standards or equivalent, for each description of the subject-matter of the contract in which such standards are defined. 3. The subject of the contract is co-financed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan under the Investment: G 1.3.2 Zero-emission collective transport (buses) under contract No 382/2024/Wn11/OA-TP/D under the project entitled "Purchase of electric buses and construction of charging stations with pantograph for the Municipality of Tczew". 4. The contracting authority provides for the possibility of cancelling the procedure pursuant to Article 257(1) of the Public Procurement Act. 5. The buses supplied should take into account the accessibility requirements for people with disabilities in accordance with Article 100 of the Public Procurement Act and the provisions of the Act of 19 July 2019 on ensuring accessibility for people with special needs (Journal of Laws of 2019, No. Journal of Laws 2024, item 1411). 6. The contracting authority shall require that, in respect of the supply, the proportion of goods, including software used to equip telecommunications networks, originating in Member States of the European Union, countries with which the European Union has concluded agreements on equal treatment of economic operators or countries to which, by virtue of a Council decision, the provisions of Directive 2014/25/EU apply, exceeds 50%. The Ordering Party requires a declaration in this respect in the Tender Form (Annex 1 to the SWZ). In accordance with Article 393 para. 1 point 4 of the Public Procurement Act, the Contracting Authority will reject an offer in which the share of goods, including software used to equip telecommunications networks, originating in Member States of the European Union, countries with which the European Union has concluded agreements on equal treatment of entrepreneurs, or countries to which the provisions of Directive 2014/25/EU apply by virtue of a Council decision does not exceed 50% . Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Type: price
Description: Cena brutto „C” 55% = 55,00 punktów 55,00 punktów za ofertę z zaoferowaną najniższą ceną brutto za wykonanie całego przedmiotu zamówienia.
Weight (percentage, exact):
Type: quality
Description: Ocena bezpieczeństwa i techniczno – eksploatacyjna autobusów „T” 20% = 20,00 punktów 20,00 punktów otrzyma Wykonawca, który uzyska maksymalną ilość punktów w 4 pod kryteriach.
Weight (percentage, exact):
Type: quality
Description: Gwarancja „G” 15% = 15,00 punktów 15,00 punktów otrzyma Wykonawca, który zaoferuje najdłuższy okres gwarancji w 2 ocenianych podkryteriach G1 i G2.
Weight (percentage, exact):
Type: quality
Description: Serwis „S” 10% = 10,00 punktów 10,00 punktów otrzyma Wykonawca, który posiada autoryzowany serwis w odległości nie większej niż 50km od siedziby Zamawiającego oraz usługę mobilnego serwisu.
Weight (percentage, exact):
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