Opening of tenders10/03/2025
- indicates CPV codes deduced from the text of the procedure
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02842/2024 - Re-announcement of an open electronic tender for the "Supply of software" Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
The subject of the contract is the supply of software within the framework of the project No 21366 entitled ‘Strategy of Excellence of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens’, of the Special Account for Research Funds of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). This supply is part of the total equipment provided for the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens’, under ref. 1610/05.04.2024 (Internet ref.: EO6Y46NKPD-14P) of the call for proposals of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sport – NSRF Executive Structure – TAA Unit, in the context of the SUB2 project: Universities of Excellence. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
48190000 - Educational software package
79980000 - Subscription services
48317000 - Word-processing software package
48326000 - Mapping software package
33190000 - Miscellaneous medical devices and products
48000000 - Software package and information systems
48420000 - Facilities management software package and software package suite
30000000 - Office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies except furniture and software packages CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
Type: price
Weight (percentage, exact):
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