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Premises of the Main Railway Station Ostrava (PD+IČ+DP) II. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
The subject of this above-threshold public contract is the elaboration of project documents and the provision of related activities in the preparation and implementation of the construction "Space of the Main Railway Station Ostrava", in k.ú. The ferry, the municipality of Ostrava. Scope of performance: a) Elaboration of documentation for the construction permit, which will include the design of the architectural solution specified in more detail in Annex 1 to the specifications. b) Execution of engineering activities in the scope to ensure the issuance of a final decision on the construction permit. c) Elaboration of documentation for the implementation of the construction, including BIM documentation. d) Elaboration of a plan for safety and health at work on the construction site. e) Performance of the OSH coordinator during the preparation of the construction. f) Performance of the supervision of the designer during the implementation of the construction. g) Data storage in the (already established) uniform data environment (CDE) of the contracting authority. The documentation for the construction will be processed including BIM documentation in the level of detail A3 and LOD350 (details defined by the EIR document and data standards). This is a reconstruction of the front area of the main railway station following the project ‘Modernisation of the Ostrava railway junction’, the investor of which is the Railway Administration, a state organisation and creating a new transfer terminal for urban and suburban public transport. It also includes the extension of the tram line and the relocation of the existing tram loop further to ul. It's Watt's. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
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