Publications Office of the EU
24 S 103046 - New construction of halls 002, 005 and 015 (LBAK) in the naval arsenal Wilhelmshaven - Execution of extended shell construction - EU tenders
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24 S 103046 - New construction of halls 002, 005 and 015 (LBAK) in the naval arsenal Wilhelmshaven - Execution of extended shell construction Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated

  • Published
  • Today
  • Deadline
Type of contract
Subject for Renewal
Bundesrepublik Deutschland vertreten durch das Staatliche Baumanagement Niedersachsen
Place of performance
NUTS code: Multiple place of performance
Location of buyer
NUTS code: DE94E Osnabrück, Landkreis
Business sector (Main CPV)
45000000 Construction work
Total estimated contract value (excluding VAT)
112,122,000.00 EUR
Total final contract value (excluding VAT)
Not available
Tender reference number

The Federal Republic of Germany intends to build three new halls (Halls 002, 005 and 015) with a usable area of approximately 30,000 m2 in a military federal property in Wilhelmshaven. One of the workshops is to be built in two construction phases on the basis of the existing plot of land. The new construction measures go hand in hand with the dismantling of buildings and the temporary relocation of the user. The new construction measures are workshop and assembly halls with a wide variety of requirements and use-specific rooms. The new construction measures are to be built in the middle of an existing, homogeneous military property during ongoing operation. The existing technical infrastructures and traffic facilities of adjacent construction sites are implemented, removed, relocated and/or upgraded in parallel via other accompanying construction measures, and temporary facilities for the operation of existing buildings are created. The implementation of the new construction measures therefore has an interaction with both the infrastructure measures and the property operation. The construction sites of the building construction measures will be cleared with a time in advance in a separate construction measure "Reorganization of the construction site infrastructure". The user-defined room requirements were recorded in a room book with positioning sketches and formed the basis of the preliminary design plans already created. The decision-making documents (ES-Bau), which were also drawn up, have already been approved by the budget. The new buildings include a wide variety of room sizes and room groups, consisting of electronic and mechanical workshops, assembly and workshop halls, offices, training and social rooms. In the functional areas of the workshop and assembly halls, various cranes and lift systems are required. The buildings are connected to the existing heat supply network. The building automation must be connected to the network of the property. The new buildings are supplied with electrical energy via their own medium-voltage systems. Special networks are required for the test runs of the military equipment to be maintained. They differ in frequency and voltage level from the usual network forms. The special ship-identical antenna systems must be particularly integrated into the lightning protection concept. Data networks are sometimes subject to the highest security requirements. The budget-recognised costs for the new construction of Hall 002 (approved ES construction) amount to EUR 71,562,000, gross. The budget-recognised costs for the new construction of Hall 005 (approved ES construction) amount to EUR 89,070,000, gross. The budget-recognised costs for the new construction of Hall 015 (approved ES construction) amount to EUR 35,363,000, gross. All services / engineering services are to be coordinated with each other and coordinated in close coordination with all parties involved as well as users and administration. The client attaches particular importance to an integrative and interface-poor project management. The project "New building halls 002, 005 and 015 (LBAK)" is to be realized with a partnership-based project execution method (PAM). The aim of this approach is to optimize the project with an integrated project management (IPA) and lean management methods (Lean) in a multi-party contract (MPV) as an innovative approach to value-adding organization, planning and implementation with regard to deadlines, costs and qualities. For this purpose, it is planned to conclude an MPV with an expected 5 partners in addition to the client. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated

Submission Method
Electronic via:
Tenders may be submitted
Electronic submission: required
Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)
Not available
Conditions for opening tenders (date)
Not available
Award method
Estimated value
112,122,000.00 EUR
Final contracted value
Not available
Award of contract
Not available
Prior information
Footnote - legal notice

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