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Service of the Leśnik Training and Recreation Centre in Orzechów in 2025 - EU tenders
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Service of the Leśnik Training and Recreation Centre in Orzechów in 2025 Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated

  • Published
  • Deadline
  • Opening of tenders
  • Today
Submission closed
Type of contract
Subject for Renewal
Nadleśnictwo Ustka
Place of performance
NUTS code: Multiple place of performance
Location of buyer
NUTS code: PL636 Słupski
Business sector (Main CPV)
55100000 Hotel services
Total estimated contract value (excluding VAT)
Not available
Total final contract value (excluding VAT)
Not available
Tender reference number

1) The subject of the contract are services related to the operation of the Leśnik Training and Recreation Centre in Orzechów in 2025. 2) The subject of the contract is specified below: 1. Activities related to the preparation of meals cook - the estimated number of hours is: 1538. kitchen aid - estimated number of hours is:3252 2. Activities related to the service of guests in the Consumption Room waiter - the estimated number of hours is: 4000 4. Receptionist - the estimated number of hours is: 5907 5. Supervision activities - caretaker - the estimated number of hours is: 2000 6. Activities related to the repair of the equipment of the premises in the center and the care of the area of the conservation center - the estimated number of hours is: 2000 7. Room cleaning activities estimated number of hours is: 4500 8. Activities related to the operation of the bowling alley employee estimated number of hours is: 1144 9. Activities related to the animation service animator estimated number of hours is:632 Total planned number of man-hours of the subject of the contract. 24973. 3) The subject of the contract is described in detail in Annex 3 to the SWZ containing: Description of the subject of the contract and List of activities for persons performing the subject of the contract. 4) The Ordering Party requires employment by the contractor or subcontractor on the basis of an employment contract of persons performing activities included in the subject of the contract. The Contracting Authority requires the employment by the contractor or subcontractor on the basis of an employment contract of persons performing activities included in the subject of the contract consisting in: on the preparation of meals (cook, kitchen assistance), activities related to the service of guests in the dining room, under the fire shelter, at the bowling alley and at the coffee buffets (waiter), activities related to the service of the reception desk (receptionist), activities related to supervision (caretaker), activities related to the repair of the equipment of the center (maintainer), cleaning activities (room cleaning), activities related to the service of the bowling alley (boneworker), activities related to animation (animator), due to the fact that the performance of these activities consists in performing work in the manner specified in Article 22 § 1 of the Act of 26 June 1974 - Labour Code (consolidated text: OJ Journal of Laws 2023, item 1465, as amended). The obligations and powers of the Ordering Party and the Contractor related to the above requirement are specified in the Model Contract, which is attached as Annex 12 to the SWZ. 5) The Contracting Authority does not reserve the obligation for the Contractor to personally perform key tasks related to the subject of the contract, subject to the independent performance of key elements (parts) of the contract, which is a criterion for the evaluation of tenders described in point 16.2.(2) SWZ. Key elements (parts) of the order should be understood as activities consisting in the preparation of meals, i.e. activities reserved for the cook and kitchen help. To the extent that the Contractor does not undertake to carry out the elements (parts) of the contract itself under the criterion referred to above, the Contractor may entrust the implementation of the elements (parts) of the subject-matter of the contract to subcontractors. If the Contractor intends to perform the subject of the contract with the participation of subcontractors, he is obliged to indicate in his tender the part of the contract (substantive scopes) that he intends to subcontract and the names of any subcontractors, if they are already known. This must be indicated on the Tender. In the absence of any indication of subcontracting in the Tender, the Contractor will be able to introduce a subcontractor only under the conditions set out in the contract. 6) The Ordering Party is entitled to commission the Contractor with an additional material scope in relation to the total number of all activities valued in each of the items of the tender form forming part of the Tender ("Option"). The subject of the Option will be the same (analogous) works and activities as described in the SWZ and valued by the Contractor in any of the items of the offer form forming part of the Offer. Under the Option, at the choice of the Ordering Party, all, some or only one of the works or activities indicated in the SWZ and priced by the Contractor in the price form forming part of the Offer may be ordered. Works and activities that are the subject of the Option may be commissioned in a quantity that will not exceed 10% of the Value of the Subject of the Agreement determined in accordance with § 7 sec. 2 of the model contract, constituting Annex 12 to the SWZ. The basis for determining the value of works ordered under the Option (in order to determine its scope) will be the unit prices of individual works contained in the price form forming part of the Offer. The Ordering Party is not obliged to order the works covered by the subject of the Option, and the Contractor is not entitled to claim their order. The Ordering Party provides for the possibility of using the Option in the case of: (1) there is a need to increase the material scope of the services being the subject of the contract and (2) if it is impossible to select contractors for the operation of the centre under the basic procurement procedures for objective reasons, in order to secure the necessary performance of the service, however, the exercise of the option right due to the circumstances described in point (2) will take place no later than 3 weeks before the end of the contract performance period. 7) The place of performance of the subject of the contract will be the premises of the Training and Recreation Centre "Leśnik" in Orzechów. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated

Submission Method
Electronic via:
Tenders may be submitted
Electronic submission: required
Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)
Not available
Conditions for opening tenders (date)
02/12/2024 09:15
Place of performance
Award method
Type: price
Description: W ramach kryterium „Cena” ocena ofert zostanie dokonana przy zastosowaniu wzoru: C =Cn/Co x 100 % x 80 pkt gdzie: C – liczba punktów w ramach kryterium „Cena”, Cn - najniższa cena spośród ofert ocenianych Co - cena oferty ocenianej Ocenie w ramach kryterium „Cena” podlegać będzie cena łączna brutto podana w Formularzu Oferty (Załącznik nr 1 do SWZ). Z uwagi na postanowienia art. 225 ust. 1 PZP, jeżeli złożono ofertę, której wybór prowadziłby do powstania u Zamawiającego obowiązku podatkowego zgodnie z przepisami o podatku od towarów i usług, Zamawiający w celu oceny takiej oferty dolicza do przedstawionej w niej ceny podatek od towarów i usług, który miałby obowiązek rozliczyć zgodnie z tymi przepisami.
Weight (percentage, exact): 80
Type: quality
Description: W ramach kryterium „Samodzielna realizacja kluczowych elementów (części) zamówienia” oceniane będzie przyjęcie przez Wykonawcę zobowiązania umownego do wykonywania kluczowych elementów (części) zamówienia, określonych przez Zamawiającego w SWZ, samodzielnie przez Wykonawcę składającego ofertę, tj. bez udziału podwykonawców. Zasady realizacji tego zobowiązania oraz zasady odpowiedzialności za jego niewykonanie zostały opisane we wzorze umowy (stanowiącym załącznik nr 12 do SWZ). Kluczowe elementy (części) zamówienia obejmują czynności związane z gotowaniem, takie jak: czynności związane z przygotowaniem posiłków, wykonywane przez kucharza oraz pomoc kuchenną. Wykonawca zamieści informację o przyjęciu na siebie zobowiązania umownego do wykonywania kluczowych elementów (części) zamówienia, określonych przez Zamawiającego w SWZ, samodzielnie przez Wykonawcę składającego ofertę, tj. bez udziału podwykonawców w Formularzu Oferty (Załącznik nr 1 do SWZ). Brak wskazania w Formularzu Oferty przyjęcia przez Wykonawcę zobowiązania, o którym mowa w zdaniu poprzednim będzie uznawane jako nieprzyjęcie takiego zobowiązania, a oferta uzyska 0 pkt w ramach niniejszego kryterium oceny ofert. Oferta Wykonawcy, który zaciągnie takie zobowiązanie otrzyma 100 pkt, które następnie zostaną przemnożone przez wagę kryterium, tj. 20 %.
Weight (percentage, exact): 20
Estimated value
Not available
Final contracted value
Not available
Award of contract
Not available
Prior information
Footnote - legal notice

This content published on this page is meant purely as an additional service and has no legal effect. The Union's institutions do not assume any liability for its contents. The official versions of the relevant tendering notices are those published in the Supplement of Official Journal of the European Union and available in TED. Those official texts are directly accessible through the links embedded in this page. For more information please see Public Procurement Explainability and Liability notice.