Opening of tenders05/09/2024
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"Purchase of electricity in 2025-2026 for the Municipality of Libiąż" Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Note: Not all information for this procedure were successfully computed. Please consult linked documents for more details.
The subject of the contract is ‘Purchase of electricity in 2025-2026 for the Municipality of Libiąż’. 1. The contracting authorities are organisational units of the Municipality of Libiąż (parties to the concluded agreement), i.e.: 1) Libiąż Municipality - Municipal Office in Libiąż, ul. Działkowa 1, 32-590 Libiąż, 2) Municipality of Libiąż - Board of Municipal Property in Libiąż ul. Paderewskiego 2, 32-590 Libiąż 3) Libiąż Municipality - Local Government Kindergarten No. 1 with Integration Departments in Libiąż, ul. Plac Zwycięstwa 2, 32-590 Libiąż, 4) Libiąż Municipality - Local Government Kindergarten No. 2 in Libiąż, ul. Kindergarten 10, 32-590 Libiąż, 5) Gmina Libiąż - Zespół Szkolno - Kindergarten No. 2 in Libiąż, ul. School 1, 32-590 Libiąż, 6) Libiąż Municipality - Primary School No. 2 in Libiąż, ul. Plac Zwycięstwa 2, 32-590 Libiąż, 7) Libiąż Municipality - Primary School No. 3 in Libiąż, ul. Saint Francis of Assisi Barbara 5, 32-590 Libiąż, 8) Libiąż Municipality - School and Kindergarten Complex with Integration Units in Libiąż, ul. Paderewskiego 2 , 32-590 Libiąż, 9) Gmina Libiąż - Zespół Szkolno – Przedszkolny w Gromcu, ul. Husarska 2, 32-590 Libiąż, 10) Gmina Libiąż - School Complex in Żarki, ul. Astronautów 3, 32-593 Żarki, 11) Municipal Public Library in Libiąż, ul. Górnicza 11, 32-590 Libiąż, 12) Libyan Cultural Centre, ul. Górnicza 1, 32-590 Libiąż, in accordance with the list contained in the detailed description of the subject-matter of the contract constituting Annex No 7 to the SWZ. The Municipal Property Board in Libiąż was entrusted with the conduct of the procedure in the name and on behalf of the parties to the concluded agreement on the joint conduct of the public procurement procedure, entitled: ‘Purchase of electricity in 2025-2026 for the Municipality of Libiąż’, in accordance with Article 38 of the Public Procurement Law Act of 11 September 2019 (i.e. Journal of Laws 2023, item 1605, as amended). 2. The subject-matter of the contract covers the supply of electricity in accordance with the Energy Law Act of 10 April 1997 and the Regulation of the Minister for Climate and the Environment of 22 March 2023 on the detailed conditions for the operation of the electricity system and quality standards for the 12 customers (separate contracting authorities) listed in Annex 7 to the EMS, i.e. up to 125 electricity consumption points. The expected amount of energy supplied during the contract implementation period is: 6 333 788 kWh i.e. 1) tariff-B2124-hour zone, the expected amount of electricity supplied in kWh in the years 2025-2026: 224800, 2) tariff-C11 24-hour zone, forecast supply of electricity in kWh in 2025-2026: 884852, 3) tariff-C12B day-zone, forecast supply of electricity in kWh in 2025-2026: 1241250, 4) tariff-C12B night-zone, forecast supply of electricity in kWh in 2025-2026: 2483250, 5) tariff-C21 24-hour zone, forecast supply of electricity in kWh in 2025-2026: 1497796, 6) tariff - G11,zone - round-the-clock,foreseeable volume of electricity supply in kWh in 2025-2026: 1840. 3. The Ordering Party does not use promotional and loyalty offers. 4. The Contractor sells and the Customer (the Ordering Party) purchases electricity to Energy Consumption Points (hereinafter referred to in the contract as: EPP) listed in Annex 7 to the SWZ. 5. On Call Point No 2 EPP: 590322427600619282 Libiąż Water Park, John Paul II Avenue 8 there is a micro-installation connection of photovoltaic panels with an installation power of 19.84 kW. Electricity generated from micro-installations in their entirety is directly used for the needs of the Libiąż Water Park. The electricity generated from the installation covers only a few percent of the facility's demand. In the period from 01.01.2025 to 31.12.2026, the Contracting Authority needs to purchase 1 100 000 kWh of electricity for this point. The Contracting Authority has signed a contract for the supply of electricity generated and introduced from micro-installations. The Contracting Authority declares that the generating installation meets the requirements resulting from the relevant provisions, and in particular has safeguards preventing the supply of voltage generated in generating equipment to the DSO network in the absence of voltage in the network. 6. Actual consumption of electricity will depend on the actual needs of the customer (contractor), except that regardless of the amount of consumption, the contractor is obliged to apply the offered unit prices of electricity for individual tariffs in each case. 7. The Contractor shall not be entitled to compensation in the event of purchase of less than the forecasted amount of electricity. 8. All electricity consumption points shall have a metering system adapted to the change of supplier. 9. Contractual capacity, tariff group, place of supply of electricity for consumption points listed in Annex 7 to the SWZ, is specified each time in contracts for the provision of distribution services concluded with the Distribution System Operator, i.e. Tauron Dystrybucja S.A. 10. The supply of electricity will take place on the basis of contracts concluded separately by individual customers (contracting entities) indicated in Annex 7 to the SWZ. 11. The Contractor will be obliged to carry out, on behalf of the Contracting Authority, on the basis of the power of attorney granted, the procedure for changing the electricity seller in time to start selling energy on 01.01.2025. The content of the power of attorney will be agreed with the Contractor after signing the contract. The content of the power of attorney is not an essential provision of the contract. 12. After signing the contract, the Ordering Party will provide the Contractor with data and documents from entities covered by the progress.tendering necessary to carry out the procedure of changing the seller in the electronic version (Word, Excel), i.e. listed in the SWZ. 13. Quality requirements for supplies related to the purchase of electricity are specified by law, as well as in the description of the pre-order. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Type: price
Description: Opis: Kryterium oceny ofert jakim Zamawiający będzie się kierował przy wyborze najkorzystniejszej oferty jest cena. Opis kryteriów oceny ofert wraz z podaniem wag tych kryteriów i sposobu oceny ofert zawiera rozdział. XV.SWZ. Waga (wartość punktowa, dokładna): 100
Weight (percentage, exact): 100
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