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EXTERNALIZATION AND INFOGERANCE OF THE IT INFRASTRUCTURE OF MAYENNE HABITAT Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Mayenne Habitat wishes to outsource the management of its IT infrastructure (chapter 2 of the CCTP, part named INFOGERANCE) and rent the physical machines necessary for the operation of this infrastructure (part named HEBERGEMENT). These machines will be hosted by the service provider (including AS400) (party named ACCOMMODATION). In the context of this global project called INFRA2024, Mayenne Habitat wishes to be accompanied by companies with expertise in these two fields (INFOGERANCE and HEBERGEMENT). Mayenne Habitat has contracted with DARKTRACE for a cyber security solution. The initial contract is for a period of 1 year. The consultation includes the CYBER SECURITY domain for the INFOGERANCE and ACCOMMODATION parts. Variants are requested on both axes: Axis 1 (INFOGERANCE): - Workstation in WINDOWS in CITRIX client (current solution); - Other solutions to be proposed. Axis 2 (Accommodation): - Shared servers; - Servers dedicated to Maye Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Type: price
Description: Offre de prix du candidat
Weight (percentage, exact): 50
Type: quality
Description: Voir mémoire méthodologique
Weight (percentage, exact): 50
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