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"VD Kryry - well monitoring of pre-project preparation" Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
1. Drillings, geodetic points and wells were carried out and monitored as part of the pre-project preparation of the Kryry Waterworks. Until the completion of the next stage of project documentation, it is necessary to ensure monitoring of the following scope. 2. The Contractor undertakes to ensure: Inclinometry boreholes Three inclinometry boreholes (INK101, INK102, INK103) were constructed within the IG and HG surveys. These boreholes will be measured with an inclinometer probe at a frequency of once every two months. Geodetic profiles There are 20 geodetic points in 5 different profiles. Measurements will be carried out at a frequency of once every two months. House and agricultural wells For monitoring were selected all traced wells, which are in the area of the Kryry Waterworks and in the immediate vicinity. In the wells listed below, the groundwater level will be measured manually by an electric level meter with a frequency of 1x in 2 months + monitoring and abstraction of water quality of 2 wells S17 and S14 (Černčice), which have not yet been monitored. The recommendation is to carry out water abstractions for chemical analysis in the area below the dam and in the area of Černčice (HG112, S6, S11, S12 + S14 and S17) with a frequency of 2 times a year. S2 and S3 are not subject to further monitoring. See the tender documentation for more details. Hydrogeological boreholes To monitor the groundwater level, 20 equipped hydrogeological boreholes were selected for IG and HG surveys (17 boreholes) and 3 haunted hydrogeological boreholes (see Table 1). In the above-mentioned boreholes, a manual groundwater level measurement will be carried out with a frequency of 1x every two months. See the tender documentation for more details. Newly built measuring pillars: In this phase of exploration and monitoring work, measuring pillars will be newly built in 6 points. Each of the tracked points will have a solid reflective target. The measurement methods used (crossover, polar method) will remain unchanged. With solid measurement pillars, we will achieve less uncertainty of random and systematic errors. These points will be designed to serve for the measurement of the future Kryra waterworks. At the same time, it is a requirement to set up a monitoring project, which will be submitted for approval and then the relevant authorisation for the establishment of reference points/pillars will be processed. 3. The following shall also be regarded as the subject of the work: a) documentation of the condition (photodocumentation) of the workplace before the start of the work, for later comparison of the condition after the completion of the work (for newly established points) b) disposal of all generated waste in an appropriate legal manner, securing landfills and depots, including keeping records of generated waste and handing over the documents on their disposal to the client when handing over and taking over the work, as part of the document part of the contract, c) project documentation on measuring pillars will be submitted for approval by the client, d) ensuring the necessary accesses, e) once every 2 years convening a meeting with the client and presenting the status of monitoring, a summary for the period of the entire monitoring will be submitted at the final date of performance f) preparation of identification and evaluation of risks relating to the safety and health of persons at the workplace arising from the work and technological procedures carried out by the contractor and all subcontractors, in accordance with Section 101(3) of Act No 262/2006 Coll., Labour Code, as amended, g) ensuring the workplace in accordance with applicable legislation relating to the safety and health protection of persons (Section 3 of Act No. 309/2006 Coll., Government Regulation No. 591/2006 Coll., on more detailed minimum requirements for the safety and health protection at work at workplaces, as amended. For more details, see the tender documentation (ZD), including annexes. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
71350000 - Engineering-related scientific and technical services
90000000 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
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