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HIGH POWER DYNAMOMETRIC BRAKE Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated

  • Published
  • Deadline
  • Opening of tenders
  • Today
Submission closed
Type of contract
Subject for Renewal
Instytut Badań i Rozwoju Motoryzacji BOSMAL Sp. z o.o.
Place of performance
NUTS code: Multiple place of performance
Location of buyer
NUTS code: PL225 Bielski
Business sector (Main CPV)
38540000 Machines and apparatus for testing and measuring
Total estimated contract value (excluding VAT)
Not available
Total final contract value (excluding VAT)
Not available
Tender reference number

1. The subject of the contract is the delivery of a high-power dynamometer. 2. Scope of delivery: 2.1. Dynamometer: 2.1.1. Principle of operation: hydraulic dynamometer brake controlled by water outlet valve 2.1.2. Rated power > 2000 kW 2.1.3. Rated torque > 14000 Nm 2.1.4. One direction of rotation and one mounting flange (with the possibility of changing the direction of rotation by shifting the flange and coupling the test object to the other end of the brake shaft) 2.1.5. Load and speed sensor for torque and speed measurement 2.1.6. Power panel to control the operation of the brake by means of an external automation system available in BOSMAL 2.1.7. Cable and interfaces between brake and operator room > 20 m 2.1.8. Water inlet control valve for the brake allowing the engine to operate at low and high idle speeds 2.2. Dynamometer auxiliaries: 2.2.1. Regulator for pre-conditioning the feed water pressure to meet the brake requirements (if necessary); the available supply water pressure at the installation location varies between 3 ... 5 bar 2.2.2. Certified calibration kit for torque measurement track calibration 2.2.3. Other non-specified accessories necessary for operating the brake (e.g. sensors, valves, filters, etc.) 2.2.4. Technical documentation, including descriptions of electrical, mechanical and hydraulic connections 2.2.5. On-site commissioning (BOSMAL, Bielsko-Biała, Poland), excluding automation system integration 2.3. Cover for the connecting (coupling) shaft between the dynamometer and the test object. 2.4. Two pieces of coupling shafts suitably matched to the parameters of the dynamometer and two different test objects. Below are detailed descriptions of two test objects in order to select the appropriate types of shafts. Test object 1: 2.4.1. Reciprocating internal combustion engine 2.4.2. Thermodynamic cycle: 4-stroke diesel engine 2.4.3. Turbocharged, direct injection 2.4.4. Cylinder Diameter x Stroke: 145 x 152 mm 2.4.5. Number of cylinders: 12 2.4.6. Engine system: V 2.4.7. Opening angle: 900 2.4.8. Minimum engine speed: 600 rpm 2.4.9. Maximum engine speed: 2500 rpm 2.4.10. Maximum power: 1080 kW at 2100 rpm 2.4.11. Maximum torque: 5600 Nm at 1200 rpm 2.4.12. Single flywheel, without clutch Test object No 2: 2.4.13. Reciprocating internal combustion engine 2.4.14. Thermodynamic cycle: 4-stroke diesel engine 2.4.15. Turbocharged, direct injection 2.4.16. Diameter x stroke: 145 x 152 mm 2.4.17. Number of cylinders: 16 2.4.18. Engine system: V 2.4.19. Opening angle: 900 2.4.20. Minimum engine speed: 600 rpm 2.4.21. Maximum engine speed: 2500 rpm 2.4.22. Maximum power: 1440 kW at 2,100 rpm 2.4.23. Maximum torque: 7400 Nm at 1200 rpm 2.4.24. Single flywheel, no clutch 3. Additional requirements: 3.1 Installation and acceptance of the subject of the contract 3.1.1 Within 8 weeks after signing the contract, an organizational meeting will be held at the headquarters of the BOSMAL Institute to determine the schedule of work. 3.1.2 Within 8 weeks of signing the contract, the Contractor shall specify any installation requirements necessary for the operation of the equipment. 3.1.3 A week before shipment, the Contractor shall inform the Institute of his readiness for delivery. 3.1.4 With regard to acceptance of the subject of the contract, the following functional tests of the hydraulic brake will be carried out: a. Stability to maintain the set speed and torque at several selected engine operating points (different loads and speeds). b. Engine idling: minimum load on the engine connected to the brake over the full range of engine speed. c. Stability of the hydraulic brake operation with variations in the water pressure supplying the brake (change in supply pressure in the range of 3 ... 5 bar). 3.1.5 The media parameters available at the BOSMAL Institute are as follows: a. power supply: 400 V ±5%, 230 V ±5% b. compressed air: 8 bar. c. brake cooling water: supply pressure 3 ... 5 bar; temperature: 5 ... 30 0C. 3.2 The Contractor will be required to provide basic training on the date of performance of the subject of the contract. The provision of training and the costs of implementing this part of the subject of the contract should be included in the price of the tender. a. Place of training: b. Duration of training – at least 1 day of training covering the following scope: 1) Actions preceding the use of the brake. 2) Relevant operational aspects of the brake, parameters to be monitored during the operation of the brake. 3) Actions to be performed before the planned brake downtime. 4) Brake maintenance operation. At the end of the training, the Contractor is required to issue certificates of completion of the training and to provide training materials in written or electronic form. The training materials may in part be in a language other than Polish, but the basic information constituting the principles of service and safety must be in Polish. 4. The detailed description of the contract is contained in § 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCUREMENT OBJECT AND IN THE PROCUREMENT DOCUMENTS. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated

Submission Method
Electronic via:
Tenders may be submitted
Electronic submission: required
Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)
Not available
Conditions for opening tenders (date)
12/02/2025 12:00
Place of performance
Award method
Okres zadeklarowanej gwarancji (miesiące)
Estimated value
Not available
Final contracted value
Not available
Award of contract
Not available
Prior information
Footnote - legal notice

This content published on this page is meant purely as an additional service and has no legal effect. The Union's institutions do not assume any liability for its contents. The official versions of the relevant tendering notices are those published in the Supplement of Official Journal of the European Union and available in TED. Those official texts are directly accessible through the links embedded in this page. For more information please see Public Procurement Explainability and Liability notice.