- indicates CPV codes deduced from the text of the procedure
1199702 Oslo Police Centre, Turnkey contract with interaction - K101 New building - Phase 1 New competition.
Statsbygg would like, in connection with project: 1199702 Oslo Police Centre to implement a qualification process for tenderers who may be interested in submitting tenders for a turnkey contract with interaction: K101 New building Oslo Police Centre. The new building is covered by the Regulations on Defence and Security Procurements (FOR-2013-10-04-1185), as the assignment will result in the tenderer ́s personnel having access to classified information. The Directorate of Public Construction and Property shall, on behalf of the Ministry of Justice and Emergency Services (JD), implement a preliminary project for Oslo Police House in Grønland. The current buildings are not modern and are characterised by wear, age and requirements for upgrading. The project comprises approx. 37,000 m2 total renovation and alterations to the police building itself and approx. 7,000 m2 of new buildings, as well as outdoor works. This procurement is for the new building, which is an important part of the total project Oslo Politihus. The new building shall be constructed between the police station and Åkebergveien itself, where Gamle arrest is currently located and within the same footprint. The new building shall house areas with special needs in addition to ordinary office areas. Contract K101 New building oslo police house includes demolition of Gamle arrest, establishment of building pits and the construction of a new building with a basement. The new building will have approx. 7,000 m2.
45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
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