Opening of tenders06/03/2025
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Security service for persons and property Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
The subject of the contract is a service consisting in: 1) supervision of exhibitions of museum halls together with cleaning and work of ticket agents, 2) supervision of exhibitions of museum halls during temporary exhibitions together with cleaning, 3) direct physical protection of the Royal Castle in Warsaw in accordance with its current security plan and concierge service, 4) protection of transports of works of art (realization of convoys), 5) ensuring the safety of mass events taking place in the Royal Castle in Warsaw, 6) supervision of exhibitions of museum halls and cloakroom services during internal events , together with cleaning, 7) supervision of exhibitions of museum halls and cloakroom services during external events , together with cleaning. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Type: price
Description: Cena stanowi 100 %
Weight (percentage, exact):
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