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"Grant of a long-term loan of PLN 12,000,000.00 to the City and Commune of Szamotuła to finance the planned budget deficit of the City and Commune of Szamotuła and to repay loans and credits previously taken out" Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
1.2 Conditions for granting credit: 1.2.1 The long-term loan taken out in the amount of PLN 12,000,000.00 will be used to finance the planned deficit of the City and Commune of Szamotuła and to repay loans and credits previously taken out in accordance with Resolution No V/38/2024 of the City and Commune Council of Szamotuła adopted on 30 August 2024 regarding the taking out of a long-term loan. 1.2.2 Loan period: 2024 – 31 December 2038. 1.2.3 Delay in repayment of the loan – from the date of granting the loan until 30 January 2025 inclusive. 1.2.4 Repayment of principal after the grace period – monthly from 31 January 2025 (168 monthly instalments as follows: 1) in 2025 – 12 instalments of PLN 52.500.00, 2) in 2026 – 12 instalments of PLN 52.000.00, 3) in 2027 – 12 instalments of PLN 65.000.00, 4) in 2028-2029 – 24 instalments of PLN 70.000.00, 5) in 2030 – 12 instalments of PLN 75.000.00, 6) in 2031-2033 – 36 instalments of PLN 50.000.00, 7) in 2034 – 12 instalments of PLN 75.000.00, 8) in 2035-2036 – 24 instalments of PLN 70.000.00, 9) in 2037 – 12 instalments of PLN 160.500.00, 10) in 2038 – 12 instalments of PLN 90.000.00, 1.2.5 Interest will be paid in monthly periods without grace. 1.2.6 The entire loan will be made available to the Ordering Party from the date / from the date of signing the loan agreement. The loan will be paid no later than 7 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the contract. 1.2.7 Loan drawdown deadline of 31 December 2024. 1.2.8 Possibility of not using the loan in full without having to pay a commission for readiness. The Ordering Party reserves that no fees or commissions will be charged on the unused loan amount. 1.2.9 Long-term credit will be secured by a blank promissory note. A countersignature of the Treasurer of the City and the Commune of Szamotuła will be submitted on the promissory note and the promissory note declaration issued to the promissory note. You do not agree to sign a declaration of submission to enforcement in the form of a notarial deed in accordance with §777 of the Code of Civil Procedure. 1.2.10 The Contracting Authority accepts that the source of financing of the loan granted may be funds from the EU. 1.2.11 During this procedure and the execution of the order, the applicable currency will be the Polish currency (PLN). 1.2.12 The loan will be granted without bank commission. 1.2.13 It is allowed to repay the loan early without incurring additional bank fees and costs. In the case of early repayment of capital, interest will be charged for the period of actual use of the loan. 1.2.14 During the entire loan period, the Contractor will not charge commissions and fees resulting from changes to the loan agreement. 1.2.15 The only cost of the loan is the interest rate. 1.2.16 The repayment of capital installments will take place after the expiry of the grace period, i.e. from 31 January 2025. The installments will be paid on the last day of the month. If the last day of the month is a non-working day, repayment of the capital installment will take place on the last working day of that month. 1.2.17 Information on the amount of the capital and interest installment for a given month is provided by the bank to the borrower by the 20th day of that month. It is allowed to provide information in paper form or by electronic means to the address witold.koczorowski@szamotuly.pl . When the deadline for providing information on the amount of installments falls on a Saturday or a public holiday, the day of the deadline is considered to be the next working day after the public holiday or days. 1.2.18 On the day of signing the loan agreement, the borrower will submit certificates of non-payment of taxes from tax offices and contributions from the Social Insurance Institution. 1.2.19 The budgetary reports have been published on the BIP website at https://www.bip.szamotuly.pl/m,2067,2024.html 1.2.20 It is permissible for economic operators to apply jointly for the award of a contract in the form of a consortium. The lead bank will contact the contracting authority and send correspondence to it on behalf of these entities. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Type: price
Description: Kryterium cena (C) będzie rozpatrywane na podstawie ceny brutto za wykonanie przedmiotu zamówienia, podanej przez Wykonawcę w ofercie. Zamawiający przyzna punkty na podstawie poniższego wzoru: C = Cmin / Co x 100 pkt. gdzie: Cmin – cena brutto oferty najtańszej Co – cena brutto oferty ocenianej Zamawiający dokona wyboru oferty tego z Wykonawców, która uzyska w wyniku oceny najwyższą liczbę punktów. Obliczenia będą dokonane z dokładnością do dwóch miejsc po przecinku.
Weight (percentage, exact): 100
Postal address:
Town: Szamotuły
Postal code: 64-500
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