Opening of tenders21/02/2025
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Integrated Information System for Classified Correspondence (Closed SIDE) and Open Network (Open SIDE) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
The physical object of the project is the procurement of two (2) independent equipment infrastructures (servers, NAS network storage units), the necessary software licenses (databases and virtualization) for the hosting and operation of the RSI infrastructure of unclassified and restricted use according to the National Security Regulation, EAL4 firewalls, as well as the implementation of other services for the further exploitation of the infrastructure's capabilities and access to available information. Documents of different classifications are circulated in the existing TRAD, resulting in the security measures foreseen for the highest classification, which causes a number of difficulties for users and administrators. Indicatively, the RSI operates on an independent network infrastructure, which does not provide access to the internet, user capabilities have been (relatively) limited based on the EWC, access to information is governed by the Principle of Need-to-Know and is made through specific terminals specially configured, interconnection is allowed with Information Systems of corresponding classification, and there is a high management cost. In the context of the project, the procurement of equipment for the operation of a corresponding Information System in the open network is requested, which will exclusively manage unclassified mail, will include its logging, will capture the processing flows, while it will be interconnected with the Information Systems developed for the Greek public administration (which handle unclassified information) for the purpose of transmitting digitally signed documents. The infrastructure will be Centralized and access will be provided from a computer connected to the Internet, solving remote work problems and offering direct access to (unclassified) information. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs/F2 has already developed and operates on a trial basis the relevant software (Open Document Management System (OpenSIDE)), which provides access to operators via the internet, in order to handle unclassified correspondence with other public bodies, businesses and individuals (via the ARI K-SIDE or via email). The system will have the same environment and functionalities as the classified RSI, with appropriate modifications to handle exclusively unclassified mail, facilitating its wide adoption. In order for this to work, equipment is required, which will serve all the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the VS and the NA. It is expected that through it, unclassified official correspondence, consular documents and other correspondence of the public administration will be registered and circulated by/to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, citizens and other public administrations. At the same time, it will be easier to implement policies for the protection of personal data, access to documents, search for documents and their use for knowledge production, which are still processed on paper or stored in local storage units (hard drives). In order to achieve the purpose of the contract as described above, the Contractor of this (project) contract will supply the required equipment and commercial software and provide related services, as described below. Briefly, the replacement of Computer Equipment and the provision of Licenses for the use of commercial Software of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be implemented through: Preparation of Implementation Study, Supply and Installation of Equipment and Software Licenses, Pilot and Productive Operation of Equipment and Commercial Software up to the point of the operating system, Training Services of the Operator's Users, Help Desk Services, Warranty and Maintenance Services. The subject matter of this contract is not subdivided into lots, due to the architecture of the project and the complementarity and interdependencies, and forms a single whole. Offers are accepted only for all the services described. The project budget - estimated contract value amounts to one million five hundred and eighty-eight thousand seven hundred and nine euros and sixty-eight cents (EUR 1 588 709.68) excluding VAT 24%, budget including VAT: one million nine hundred and seventy thousand Euros (1.970.000,00€), VAT: three hundred and eighty-one thousand two hundred and ninety euros and thirty-two cents (€381,290.32). After the conclusion of the initial contract, during the implementation of the project and before the end of the contract, the Contracting Authority may decide to exercise an option with an estimated value of an option to increase the physical object up to 50% of the initial budget, i.e. EUR 794 354.84 excluding VAT (Estimated value including VAT EUR 985,000.00, VAT 24% EUR 190.645.16). Before the end of the contract, the Project Owner may decide to exercise a maintenance option of up to ten percent (10%) of the contractual price, based on the unit prices of the Contractor’s Financial Offer, for the maintenance services (as described in Annex I, paragraph 3.1), i.e. EUR 158 870.97 excluding VAT (Estimated value including VAT: €197 000.00, VAT 24% €38 129.03). Consequently, the total maximum estimated value of the contract, including the options referred to above, amounts to two million five hundred and forty-one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five euros and forty-nine cents, EUR 2 541 935.49 excluding VAT (budget including VAT: €3,152,000.01, VAT 24% €610.064.52). The exercise of the aforementioned options is subject to their funding approval and may be from any source. The contract will be awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender, based on the best value for money. [para. 1.3, ANNEX I & II of the Proclamation] Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
72200000 - Software programming and consultancy services
80533100 - Computer training services
48000000 - Software package and information systems
30000000 - Office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies except furniture and software packages CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
Type: quality
Description: ΤΕΧΝΙΚΗ ΛΥΣΗ
Weight (percentage, exact): 50
Type: quality
Weight (percentage, exact): 20
Type: quality
Weight (percentage, exact): 30
Type: price
Description: Πλέον συμφέρουσα από οικονομική άποψη προσφορά είναι εκείνη που παρουσιάζει το μεγαλύτερο Λi ο οποίος υπολογίζεται με βάση τον παρακάτω τύπο: Λi = 80 * ( Βi / Βmax ) + 20 * (Kmin/Ki)
Weight (percentage, exact):
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