Request For Information (RFI) - 72,5kV Switchgear
Stedin is in the process of preparing a tender for the 72.5 kV Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS). According to the Fluorinated gases regulation, as proposed by the European Parliament: The putting into operation of the following electrical switchgear using, or whose functioning relies upon, fluorinated greenhouse gases in insulating or breaking medium shall be prohibited as follows: (c) from 1 January 2028, high voltage electrical switchgear from 52 kV up to and including 145 kV and up to and including 50 kA short circuit current, with a global warming potential of 1 or more; Due to this regulation, Stedin aims to investigate the current landscape regarding technological developments in the field of SF6-free 72.5kV GIS, with an insulation medium with GWP<1. This information is necessary for determining the implementation strategy of SF6-free switchgear and the scope of the upcoming tender.
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