Opening of tenders24/02/2025
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ORGANISATION MUNICIPALITY WASTE REMOVAL AND TRANSPORT 2025-2029 Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
The Municipality of Orchomenos hereby launches an electronic public international open call for tenders based on the award criterion of the most economically advantageous tender (with the highest percentage discount) for budgeted expenditure: €974,064.83 including 24% VAT, for the service entitled ‘WASTE REMOVAL AND TRANSPORT OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ORCHOMENI 2025-2029’. Participation in the competition is open to all natural or legal persons, cooperatives or associations of service providers practising the relevant profession in Greece or any other EU country. The subject of the contract is: This technical report concerns the collection of the mixed waste and the waste to be recycled using 2 closed type refuse collection vehicles, and a vehicle for washing bins for a period of 36 months with the possibility of an option for another 12 months that can mechanically collect waste from the waste bins (80 lt, 120 lt, 770 lt and 1.100 lt).The green and blue bins, depending on the type of waste, are located in the municipality of Orchomenos. The scope of the Contractor's services includes: A: The provision of services for the collection and transport of household waste within the Livadia landfill from the following Local Districts and the areas of the Municipality of Orchomenos: Agios Dimitrios, Mavrogia, Agios Spyridon, Agios Andreas, Karya, Dionysos, Pavlos, Pyrgos, Loutsi, Akraifnio, Kokkino, Neo Kokkino, Kastro, Pelagia and Agios Nikolaos Kampion monasteries B: The provision of services for the collection of recyclable waste from all the above areas and the city of Orchomenos. C: The washing of waste bins in the above areas and the city of Orchomenos. The total budget of the tender per group of services is EUR 974 064.83 (including 24% VAT) for a period of 36 months with an option and for an additional 12 months, to be financed by own resources appropriations for the financial years 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 and 2029 of the municipality of Orchomenos. Participation guarantee: the tender set at 2% of the project budget, i.e. EUR 15 710.72; Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Type: price
Description: Κριτήριο ανάθεσης της Σύμβασης είναι η πλέον συμφέρουσα από οικονομική άποψη προσφορά βάσει τιμής
Weight (percentage, exact):
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