Opening of tenders10/02/2025
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CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE FEASIBILITY STUDY, ELABORATION OF DALI, TECHNICAL EXPERTS AND TECHNICAL PROJECT FOR THE INRMFB OBJECTIVES SET UP IN BUCHAREST -Bd Ion Mihalache nr 11-13, sector 1 and -Str Baniei nr 19 sector 3 Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Note: Not all information for this procedure were successfully computed. Please consult linked documents for more details.
THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RECOVERY, PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND BALNEOCLIMATOLOGY intends to consolidate and modernize the building infrastructure it manages in Bucharest. În acest sens, Autoritatea Contractantă dorește să îmbunătățească și să extindă activitatea de recuperare medicală desfășurată de SECŢIA CLINICĂ RECUPERARE, MEDICINĂ FIZICĂ ŞI BALNEOCLIMATOLOGIE III (Clinica 3) și SECŢIA CLINICĂ RECUPERARE MEDICALĂ – NEUROLOGIE (Clinica 4), care în prezent activează în clădirea din B-dul Ion Mihalache nr. 11A, prin refuncționalizarea imobilului aflat în curtea Spitalului Filantropia și dezvoltarea unui centru de tratament și cercetare în domeniul recuperării medicale, spațiu suport pentru educația medicală continuă care va asigura baza materială corespunzătoare atingerii excelenței în asistenţa medicală de recuperare şi tratamentele balneare. Under LOT 2 of the same procedure, INRMFB will award design services for the modernization of the Medical Treatment and Recovery Base in Sfântu Gheorghe Square under its administration, through consolidation, restoration and rehabilitation works of the building, carried out in accordance with the applicable legal provisions, correlated with the status of monument of the building. This approach will allow the refurbishment of medical treatment spaces, the creation of better conditions for patients and the realization of works to ensure easy access to the treatment base. ‘The number of days until which clarifications may be requested before the closing date for the submission of tenders is 18 days. The contracting authority will respond clearly and completely to all requests for clarifications on the 11th day before the closing date for the submission of tenders.’ Any request for clarifications must be submitted in SEAP (https://e-licitatie.ro/pub ). Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
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