Publications Office of the EU
supply, maintenance and support of financial system - EU tenders
Procurement Detail Actions Portlet
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supply, maintenance and support of financial system Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated

  • Published
  • Today
  • Deadline
Type of contract
Subject for Renewal
Frederiksberg Kommune
Place of performance
NUTS code: Multiple place of performance
Location of buyer
NUTS code: DK011 Byen København
Business sector (Main CPV)
72000000 IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
Total estimated contract value (excluding VAT)
14,050,000.00 DKK
Total final contract value (excluding VAT)
Not available
Tender reference number
Not available

Frederiksberg Municipality offers a contract for delivery, implementation, maintenance and support of a new financial system. The municipality wants both functionally and technologically a wide-ranging and modern solution, based on a standard system. The solution must cover functionally broad within accounting and finance. The municipality currently uses Prisme based on Microsoft Dynamics 365. The municipality wants the new solution to be based as far as possible on standard functionality, so that any customisations are kept to a minimum if possible. It must be integrated with other relevant systems used by the municipality. Initially, a hosted solution must be delivered and successively switched to delivery on SaaS (Cloud). The task also includes user training, testing, handover (commissioning) and documentation of the overall solution. After the system is developed (configured), it must be tested and handover and service tests must be carried out. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated

Submission Method
Electronic via:
Tenders may be submitted
Electronic submission: required
Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)
Not available
Conditions for opening tenders (date)
Not available
Place of performance
Award method
Estimated value
14,050,000.00 DKK
Final contracted value
Not available
Award of contract
Not available
Prior information
Footnote - legal notice

This content published on this page is meant purely as an additional service and has no legal effect. The Union's institutions do not assume any liability for its contents. The official versions of the relevant tendering notices are those published in the Supplement of Official Journal of the European Union and available in TED. Those official texts are directly accessible through the links embedded in this page. For more information please see Public Procurement Explainability and Liability notice.