Opening of tenders28/02/2025
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KM - Acquisition of orthopaedic implants Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
1. Name: On the basis of a framework agreement, for the purchase of orthopaedic implants by outsourcing a consignment warehouse to the Contracting Authority. 2. Subject: Procurement of orthopaedic implants under a framework agreement The detailed conditions are set out in the procurement documents. On the basis of the framework agreement, the Kbt. In accordance with Section 105(2)(a), the procurement (direct order) is carried out. AK intends to conclude a framework agreement with several tenderers, provided that all the terms and conditions of direct orders by AK are set out in the Framework Agreement.) 3. For each part, the following shall apply: 3.1. The Kbt. Pursuant to Section 105(2)(a), the Contracting Authority shall send Direct Orders to Bidders who have concluded a framework agreement on the basis of the order established on the basis of their total score. 3.2. Frequency of direct order: The contracting authority plans to place direct orders on a weekly basis. 3.3. Size of direct orders: Minimum direct order that can be placed by the contracting authority: the quantity specified in point II.2.4) of the invitation for each lot separately. Largest direct order that can be placed by the contracting authority: five times the quantity specified in point II.2.4) of the invitation for each lot separately. The contracting authority is the Kbt. Section 50(2)(d) shall be fulfilled by providing the amount and estimated value set out in Section II.1.4. 4. On the basis of the framework agreement, the Kbt. Section 105(2)(a) of the Public Procurement Act provides that procurement is to be carried out. If a valid tender is submitted in the first part of the framework agreement procedure and the Ministry of Public Administration and Public Administration (KM) accordingly, the Public Procurement Act (Kbt. Pursuant to Section 105(1) of the Public Procurement Act, the Public Procurement Act shall be concluded with one tenderer for the implementation of the individual public procurements concerned. Article 105 (1) (a) shall apply. Frame number: 3. 5. If on the upper limit of the number of the most favourable bidders several bids are the same, then AK will apply the Public Procurement Act. Section 77(5) applies because AK intends to conclude the framework agreement with a maximum number of tenderers up to the limit of the framework number. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
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