Estimated published15/01/2026
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Public passenger transport services on public regular passenger transport services in the operational region of Uničovsko Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
The operational area Uničovsko will be created by merging the operational areas Litovelsko and Šternbersko+Uničovsko. The lines are concentrated around the towns of Šternberk, Uničov and Litovel. The area borders and intertwines with the areas of Mohelnicko+Zábřežsko, Šumpersko, Olomoucko, Haná, as well as with the Moravian-Silesian Region. All lines on the territory of the Olomouc Region will be fully included in the IDSOK tariff and on the territory of the Moravian-Silesian Region in the ODIS tariff (integrated transport system of the Moravian-Silesian Region) with possible overlaps in the areas of the regional border. All inter-regional lines will be included in inter-regional contracts. On the line serving the City of Libavá and Moravský Beroun, it is advisable to evaluate and, if necessary, propose the use of a low-capacity bus (minibus). Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
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