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Supply of electricity to the Student House "Skrzat" of the Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
1. The subject of the contract is the supply of electricity to the Student House "Skrzat" of the Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa in the period from 02.01.2025 to 31.12.2025. 2. Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) codes: 09300000-2 Electricity, heat, solar and nuclear, 09310000-5 Electricity. 3. The contracting authority shall not allow partial tenders to be submitted. The lack of division of the contract into lots does not infringe the principle of fair competition by restricting access to the contract for small or medium-sized enterprises. 4. The Contracting Authority informs that the contract covers the supply of electricity in tariff group G11 – 300 000 kWh. A detailed description of the subject of the contract is attached as Annex 5 to the SWZ. 5. At the same time, the Ordering Party informs that the following separate contracts are currently in force: 1) Contracts for the provision of distribution services concluded for an indefinite period with Tauron Dystrybucja S.A., ul. Podgórska 25A, 31-035 Kraków, however, the Ordering Party informs that these are not comprehensive contracts and does not provide for the conclusion of new contracts for the provision of distribution services. 2) Agreement for the sale of electricity concluded with Renpro Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, with its registered office in Szczecin, ul. Małopolska 43, for a limited period, until 01.01.2025. 6. The Ordering Party does not use promotional or loyalty offers. 7. The Contractor will be obliged to carry out on behalf of the Ordering Party, on the basis of a power of attorney granted to him, the procedure of changing the electricity seller. The contracting authority will grant a power of attorney taking into account the provisions of the IRiESD OSD, while the scope of the power of attorney will correspond to the scope of the subject of the contract. The Contractor with whom the public procurement contract covered by this procedure will be concluded is obliged to notify the Distribution System Operator of the change of the electricity seller within 5 days from the date of conclusion of this contract. The Contractor is obliged to provide the Ordering Party with evidence confirming the notification of the change of the electricity seller to the Distribution System Operator by e-mail within 5 days from the date of this notification. 8. The Ordering Party shall provide the Contractor with the data and documents necessary to carry out the procedure of changing the seller at the latest on the day of conclusion of the public procurement contract covered by the procedure in question (also in the electronic version - Excel). 9. The Contractor is obliged to have a general distribution agreement signed between the Contractor and the Distribution Network Operator appropriate for the facility covered by the contract throughout the duration of the contract for the contract in question. 10. The Contractor shall be responsible for the commercial balancing of the electricity sold under this contract. 11. The Ordering Party declares that it has legal title to the object covered by this contract. 12. The Ordering Party guarantees the implementation of the subject of the contract at a level of not less than 70% of the contract value. 13. The contracting authority shall not allow variants to be submitted. 14. The contractor may entrust the performance of individual parts of the contract to a subcontractor, i.e. an entity with which it has concluded a subcontract as defined in Article 7(27) of the Public Procurement Act. In the event of entrusting the performance of the contract to a subcontractor, the Contractor shall be liable for the actions and omissions of such an entity as for its own. IV. Deadline for the execution of the contract 1. The agreement will be valid from the date of signing until 31.12.2025. The start of the sale of electricity for the buildings covered by the contract will take place from 02.01.2025, after a positive change of supplier procedure carried out by the Contractor. 2. A contract will be signed with the contractor whose tender will be selected in these proceedings in accordance with the draft contract constituting Annex 2 to the SWZ. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Type: price
Description: 1. Zamawiający dokona oceny ofert, które nie zostały odrzucone, na podstawie następujących kryteriów oceny ofert: 2. Dokonując wyboru oferty Zamawiający będzie stosował kryterium najniższej ceny brutto z wagą 100 %. 3. Zamawiający wybierze ofertę najkorzystniejszą. Za ofertę najkorzystniejszą zostanie uznana oferta nie podlegająca odrzuceniu z najniższą ceną (brutto) realizacji całości zamówienia. 4. W przypadku, gdy niemożliwy będzie wybór oferty najkorzystniejszej, z uwagi na to, iż zostały złożone oferty o takiej samej cenie, Zamawiający wzywa Wykonawców, którzy złożyli te oferty, do złożenia w terminie określonym przez Zamawiającego ofert dodatkowych zawierających nową cenę
Weight (percentage, exact): 100
Postal address:
Town: Szczecin
Postal code: 70-515
This content published on this page is meant purely as an additional service and has no legal effect. The Union's institutions do not assume any liability for its contents. The official versions of the relevant tendering notices are those published in the Supplement of Official Journal of the European Union and available in TED. Those official texts are directly accessible through the links embedded in this page. For more information please see Public Procurement Explainability and Liability notice.