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District heating network and plant maintenance work - EU tenders
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District heating network and plant maintenance work Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated

  • Published
  • Deadline
  • Opening of tenders
  • Today
Submission closed
Type of contract
Subject for Renewal
Oy Turku Energia - Åbo Energi Ab
Place of performance
NUTS code: Multiple place of performance
Location of buyer
NUTS code: FI1C1 Varsinais-Suomi
Business sector (Main CPV)
50000000 Repair and maintenance services
Total estimated contract value (excluding VAT)
Not available
Total final contract value (excluding VAT)
Not available
Tender reference number

Turku Energia Oy will tender for the maintenance of the district heating network and plant for the contract period 1.3.2025-28.2.2026. The contract includes an option option for 2 + 2 years to extend the contract on the same terms. DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE OF THE PROJECT: The following works are covered by this agreement, as ordered: - searching for leaks in district heating pipelines with the help of imaging equipment and visual observation of potential leaks. Description data is delivered to the customer's contact person. - inspection of district heating canals: description using the following types of equipment: for example, a robot camera (HD quality and file format mp4 and in the pictures .png or .jpeg+.pdf) - inspection of district heating wells: 2D/3D imaging using the following imaging equipment: For example, CleverScan 5-eye camera, (HD quality and file format mp4 and in pictures .png or .jpeg+.pdf) o A separate report and, if necessary, a repair plan are prepared for the Customer on the descriptions of the canals and wells. - Kaivojen (betoni- ja maaventtiilikaivot) pesujen yhteydessä suoritettavat kaivotarkastukset o kaivojen tarkastuksista tehdään erillinen kunnossapitoraportti Tilaajan paikkatietojärjestelmään o kunnossapitoraportilla tulee esittää valokuvia kaivon kunnosta o Tapauskohtaisesti sovitaan betonikaivojen ja maaventtiilikaivojen kunnossapitotöiden suorittamisesta esim. välikansien vaihtotyöt, tikasasennukset, venttiilien tulppien asennukset, eristeiden korjaukset, hitsaussaumojen maalaaminen, padotusventtiilien huoltotoimet, kaivon siistiminen, välikannen tiivisteiden vaihtotyöt, tuuletus-putkien maanalaisten osien huoltotyöt, venttiilien kahvojen ja rattien asennukset, tippuvesisuojan asennus kulkuaukolle, venttiilien suojahattujen asennukset - kaivojen tyhjennyspumppaukset - kaivojen ja kanaalien puhdistukset ja pesut - salaojien ja salaojakaivojen pesut - eristeiden poisto mm. kaukolämpöputkista - kaivojen olosuhdevalvontajärjestelmien laiteasennukset - putkistojen tulppaustyöt, jotka eivät sisällä hitsausta, esim. puristusliitostyökalun avulla (16 bar / 120 °C) - verkolla sijaitsevien uppopumppujen korjaukset ja vaihtotyöt - verkoston kohteilla suoritettavat niittotyöt ja vesakonraivaukset - kaukolämpöveden kuljetus tilaajan määrittämiin kohteisiin ja verkon täyttötyöt kuljetetulla vedellä. - washing of oil boilers of less than 40 MW at production plants operated by Turku Energia Turku Energia delivers the work site plans in electronic form to the work management system. If necessary, the plans or reports assigned to the supplier will be submitted to Turku Energia's work management system. Any other work related to the appropriate servicing, repair or maintenance of the district heating pipeline, including possible network operation measures. Other maintenance work at the production plant. The operator must be included in the waste shipment register and, if necessary, draw up waste shipment documents. Turku Energia organises a work guidance system for the Supplier's use. The supplier must commit to the use of the work guidance system. The supplier shall respond to the planned maintenance request via the occupational guidance system within two days of the request. In addition, the start and end dates of the work must be entered in the work management system. For alarm-type work that includes the work packages listed above, the Supplier undertakes to deliver personnel, machines and necessary tools with a response time of 2 hours to the target. The client's staff determines whether the work is of an alarm nature. At the request of the Contracting Entity, the Supplier shall participate in the planning meetings 4-6 times a year, as necessary. The content and quality of the procurement are described in more detail in the document appended to the invitation to tender: Annex 2. Description of the procurement. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated

Submission Method
Electronic via:
Tenders may be submitted
Electronic submission: required
Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)
Not available
Conditions for opening tenders (date)
10/01/2025 11:10
Award method
Type: price
Description: Hintaliitteellä pyydettyjen hintojen perusteella.
Weight (percentage, exact): 70
Type: quality
Description: Laatuvertailu tarjouspyynnöllä esitettyjen kriteerien perusteella: - Työnjohtajan kokemus - Yhden asentajan kokemus - Vasteaika hälytysluontoisissa töissä - Vasteaika kunnossapitotöiden vastaanotossa - Dokumentaatio
Weight (percentage, exact): 30
Estimated value
Not available
Final contracted value
Not available
Award of contract
Not available
Prior information
Footnote - legal notice

This content published on this page is meant purely as an additional service and has no legal effect. The Union's institutions do not assume any liability for its contents. The official versions of the relevant tendering notices are those published in the Supplement of Official Journal of the European Union and available in TED. Those official texts are directly accessible through the links embedded in this page. For more information please see Public Procurement Explainability and Liability notice.