Opening of tenders31/01/2025
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2024-0712 Zukunftsgarten Duisburg IGA 2027 - TP15 "Permanent Infrastructure" - Civil Engineering Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
The IGA Metropole Ruhr 2027 (IGA 2027) is a regional decade project and laboratory space for the sustainable urban landscape of the future with a supra-regional appeal, in which various municipalities, associations and initiatives participate. Five future gardens form the international showrooms of the IGA 2027. The IGA 2027 will be the first decentralized International Garden Exhibition. The garden exhibition is organized by the IGA Metropole Ruhr 2027 gGmbH as an implementing company, the Regionalverband Ruhr as a regional institution for the Metropolis Ruhr and the municipalities as project promoters, including the city of Duisburg. With the "RheinPark and connectivity" future garden, the city of Duisburg represents one of the three central main locations of the International Garden Exhibition 2027 (IGA) and, in the combination of urban development and green infrastructure, will answer the guiding question "How do we want to live tomorrow?" in an exemplary, innovative and very concrete way: Urban! The starting point of the Zukunftsgarten is the RheinPark in the district of Hochfeld, which offers a diverse range of leisure activities on about 33 hectares of green and open spaces with direct proximity to the Rhine. The southern area of the Zukunftsgarten is characterized by the former industrial port (cult harbour) and is to be converted into an eventful place by the water as part of the IGA 2027. The aim is to upgrade and supplement the existing green structures in urban areas and thus increase the share of green spaces and open spaces in the district in a sustainable way, especially on the basis of sustainability. In the RheinPark, further subprojects (TPs) are implemented as "supplementary investments" to complete the offer or the concept via a funding measure. The implementation of the sub-measures is linked to the production of a technical development (electricity, sewage and fresh water connections). The structural implementation is assigned to the subproject TP 15 "Permanent Infrastructure". The horticultural exhibition commissions an external specialist planner who plans their technical development. In addition to the technical requirements of the subprojects, there are the requirements from species protection testing and ecological preliminary studies on nature conservation and prevention measures. In the case of interventions in vegetation areas, the preservation and protection of the various biotope types must be taken into account and coordinated in the further planning, depending on their value and function. An ecological construction supervision will monitor the defined protection and conservation goals and ensure their achievement. For the construction phase, the WBD AöR commissions a SiGeKo, an ecological construction supervision and an expert supervision by a soil surveyor. The construction project is accompanied by a construction logistician. A construction logistics manual is currently being developed, which must be followed during implementation. It is a subsidised measure. The resulting ancillary provisions must be complied with. In addition, pursuant to the decision of the Council of the City of Duisburg of 12 June 2023, the tasks of planning, construction, design and content processing and the implementation of measures IGA 2027 in the urban area of Duisburg were transferred by the decision of the Council of the City of Duisburg of 12 June 2023 (DS No 18-0877/15 of 2 June 2023) to the Wirtschaftsbetriebe Duisburg - Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts (WBD-AöR), which therefore carries out this procurement procedure in the name and on behalf of the City of Duisburg (hereinafter the contracting authority or AG) to the extent permitted by public procurement law. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
45112710 - Landscaping work for green areas
71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
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