Opening of tenders06/02/2025
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2 tg.,low entry.,solo bus number-131 pcs Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Full address: Purchase of new 2-axle low-entry solo buses – 131 In the course of the procedure, the Contracting Authority intends to purchase 131 new low-entry, 2-axle solo national, regional (class M3/II) diesel buses. The winning bidder must provide a 24 month unlimited mileage guarantee for the offered buses. In addition, the supplier shall undertake to ensure and make available the components specified in the Technical Description used in the delivered vehicles for a period of 10 years. The detailed rules are set out in the procurement documents. The contracting authority draws the attention of economic operators to the fact that any reference to a specific make or type in the procurement documents was made only in order to clearly define the nature of the subject matter. The contracting authority is the 321/2015. On the basis of Section 46(3) of Government Decree No 487/2011 of 30 October 2011 on the marketing of products, it accepts products that are in all respects equivalent to those products. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Type: quality
Description: 2. A leszállításra kerülő autóbuszok szállítási ütemezése (pontszám, legkedvezőbb: 1 572, legkedvezőtlenebb: 131)
Weight (percentage, exact): 10
Type: price
Description: 1. Az autóbuszok 10 éves szűkített élettartamköltsége (nettó Ft)
Weight (percentage, exact): 90
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