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Executive design and contract execution of the construction works of the new AV stop in Foggia-Cervaro - EU tenders
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Executive design and contract execution of the construction works of the new AV stop in Foggia-Cervaro Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated

  • Awarded
  • Today
Type of contract
Subject for Renewal
Rete Ferroviaria italiana SpA – Società con socio unico soggetta alla direzione e coordinamento di Ferrovie dello Stato italiane SpA a norma dell’art. 2497 sexies codice civile e del D.Lgs. n. 112/2015. Direzione acquisti – Sede di Roma
Place of performance
NUTS code: Not available
Location of buyer
NUTS code: ITI43 Roma
Business sector (Main CPV)
45234100 Railway construction works
Total estimated contract value (excluding VAT)
Not available
Total final contract value (excluding VAT)
23,320,934.00 EUR
Tender reference number

Single Lot - CIG A038CEA016 Amount based on the invitation to tender € 26 702 009.38 net of VAT and options, of which: - EUR 591 184.19 for executive design costs, of which EUR 537 440.15 is not subject to a discount and EUR 53 744.04 is subject to a discount; - EUR 1 034 676.30 for charges relating to the implementation of security plans which are not subject to a reduction. Open tender procedure, entirely managed electronically, relating to the executive design and execution of the works relating to the construction of the new Foggia-Cervaro AV stop in the south-eastern quadrant of the municipal territory of Foggia, located at km 4+000 of the Foggia-Power/Naples line, including railway armament, electric traction systems, other railway technologies and stop systems. The project based on the tender was validated by letter ref. RFI-VDO.DIN.DICSA.PA\A0007\P\2023\0000275. The contract consists of a single lot, since a further allocation does not guarantee functional autonomy such as to allow the complete use of individual lots and it is considered that the assignment to a single economic operator better meets the requirements of homogeneity and efficiency of the work. Labour costs were estimated at €5 397 844.73 (five million three hundred and ninety-seven thousand eight hundred and forty-four/73). For further information on the amount, please refer to the Tender Specifications. The collective agreement applied is Edilizia – Industria e Cooperazione. This tender procedure will be carried out in accordance with Article 107(3) of Legislative Decree No 36/2023. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated

Submission Method
Not available
Tenders may be submitted
Not available
Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)
Not available
Conditions for opening tenders (date)
Not available
Place of performance
Not available
Award method
Type: quality
Description: Criterio di qualità - Nome: Organizzazione delle attività e caratteristiche impresa / Ponderazione: 5 Criterio di qualità - Nome: Caratteristiche Impresa / Ponderazione: 15 Criterio di qualità - Nome: Aspetti tecnici migliorativi / Ponderazione: 40 Criterio di qualità - Nome: Elemento temporale / Ponderazione: 20 Prezzo - Ponderazione: 20
Weight (percentage, exact):
Estimated value
Not available
Final contracted value
23,320,934.00 EUR
Award of contract
Not available
Prior information
Footnote - legal notice

This content published on this page is meant purely as an additional service and has no legal effect. The Union's institutions do not assume any liability for its contents. The official versions of the relevant tendering notices are those published in the Supplement of Official Journal of the European Union and available in TED. Those official texts are directly accessible through the links embedded in this page. For more information please see Public Procurement Explainability and Liability notice.