Opening of tenders22/01/2025
KK - Single procurement - Delivery of Furniture for Nye Folkeparken Primary School
Note: Not all information for this procedure were successfully computed. Please consult linked documents for more details.
Folkeparken School is a primary school under construction, planned to be completed in mid October 2025. The school will have room for approx. 400 pupils and 60 employees, divided between 5,500 m². The procurement is for the procurement, delivery and assembly of furniture, as well as follow-up during the guarantee period. This also includes supplementary procurements, access to spare parts and wearing parts. The following furniture is included in the delivery: student furniture (except student chairs), office furniture and furniture/equipment for specialised learning rooms. The aim of the procurement is to establish a physical learning environment that fulfils the requirements in the new training plan LK20 and the contracting authority ́s requirements for robust, durable and environmentally friendly furniture for Folkeparken school. The school shall be inclusive and inspiring, with a physical learning environment that promotes variation and diversity in both ways of being and learning methods, which safeguards the diversity in the pupil group. A varied, playful and inspiring learning environment contributes to increased well-being and facilitates good learning. Variations in the design of the areas shall allow for activity, exploration, play and project work, where the pupils alone or together with a smaller groups can immerse themselves in a learning activity over time. "The room tells" and shall invite tenderers to use the room's topography such as floors, niches and good places for concentration and screening, cooperation, deepening and communication. The common areas shall actively be used as learning arenas and offer variation here as well. The aesthetic qualities shall provide an inspiring framework around the educational activity.
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