Opening of tenders29/01/2025
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‘Engineering for the reconstruction and extension of the internal sewerage network and the accompanying water supply branches in Lyaskovets’ Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Review and analysis of the available project documentation for the planned activities, incl. identification of the need for amendments (if applicable) to the project before elaboration of the project in the next phase; Preparation of an investment project in the technical design phase of the site in accordance with Regulation No 4 of 21 May 2001 on the scope and content of investment projects, the Spatial Planning Act and the secondary legislation for its implementation; Coordination of the project with all control bodies, operating companies and institutions in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory framework; Obtaining all necessary opinions and permits according to the Bulgarian legislation; Ensuring the assessment of the compliance of the investment project; Ensuring the lawful commencement of construction; Execution of construction and installation works and any other accompanying and related activities necessary for the execution of the construction, in accordance with the regulatory requirements, the requirements of the Contracting Authority, the drawings and tables; Implementation of author's supervision under the Spatial Development Act, technical solutions, adjustments and amendments to the project, technological control and assistance in putting the site into operation; Preparation of executive documentation, cadastral recording of the entire construction and submission of data in accordance with Article 54a(2) of the Cadastre and Property Register Act to the relevant office for geodesy, cartography and cadastre; Training of the staff of the Contracting Authority, monitoring and support of the operation and maintenance of the Site (if applicable); Submission of the Site and its acceptance by the Employer by act Model 15 under Regulation No 3 of 31 July 2003 on the drawing up of acts and protocols during construction and Certificate of Acceptance by the Engineer; Commissioning of the site with Protocol Template 16 Regulation No 3 of 31 July 2003 on the drawing up of acts and protocols during construction (without the issuance of Template 16 being included in the completion time); Period for reporting and correction of defects - monitoring of the processes, reaching the design parameters and assisting the personnel in the operation and maintenance of the newly built elements of the site; removal of defects at the expense of the Contractor. Pursuant to Article 104(2) of the Public Procurement Act, the contracting authority provides for the evaluation of the technical and price proposals of the participants to be carried out before examining the documents for compliance with the requirements for personal status and the selection criteria. Pursuant to Article 114 of the Public Procurement Act, the contract for the award of the public procurement contract will be concluded conditionally, as at the time of the opening of the procedure funding for the entire value of the public procurement is not provided. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
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