Opening of tenders27/01/2025
- indicates CPV codes deduced from the text of the procedure
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Provision, installation, rental, maintenance and dismantling of a temporary reception area at the Palais du Luxembourg Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
The subject of this open invitation to tender is the supply, installation, rental and maintenance and dismantling of prefabricated modules to accommodate a temporary reception area at the Palais du Luxembourg located at 15 rue de Vaugirard (Paris VIe). This mixed-price contract, which is partly executed on order forms, starts as from its notification, which may take place, as an indication, at the beginning of March 2025. Its provisional duration is sixteen months with a maximum, pursuant to Article R. 2162-4 of the CCP, of thirty months. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
45223810 - Prefabricated constructions
44211000 - Prefabricated buildings CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
44210000 - Structures and parts of structures CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
Type: price
Description: 40%
Weight (percentage, exact): 40
Type: quality
Description: cohérence et adéquation des moyens techniques et humains mis en oeuvre pour la réalisation des prestations (20 % de la valeur technique) ; qualité de la méthodologie ainsi que des matériaux et produits proposés (40 % de la valeur technique) ; délais d'exécution proposés (35 % de la valeur technique) ; prise en compte des impératifs liés au développement durable (5 % de la valeur technique).
Weight (percentage, exact): 60
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