Opening of tenders11/03/2025
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Digital imaging RTG apparatus with associated equipment Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Note: Not all information for this procedure were successfully computed. Please consult linked documents for more details.
The subject of the public contract is the supply of digital imaging apparatus with associated equipment for the purposes of classical and emergency activities, as well as the imaging of the lungs and entire legs, and the entire spine. The order also includes 6-year warranty maintenance on the principle of "all-inclusive" after the expiration of the warranty period of 24 months. The subject of the public contract is also all GOI works defined in the Project Order form. The offer must include all the material necessary for the assembly and connection of the equipment, which must be included in the offer price. The subject of the public contract is also the removal of the entire existing PHILIPS OPTIMUS RTG apparatus with its associated equipment and the destruction of rtg pipes. The successful tenderer will have to deliver a certificate of professional destruction of rtg pipes and carry out all measurements of the apparatus and space according to the legislation. A more detailed specification of the subject of the contract can be found in the Technical Specifications (for the admissibility of tenders, all technical requirements must be met, with the exception of items evaluated according to criteria), Project tasks, the draft contract and other relevant parts of the tender documentation. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
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