Opening of tenders03/03/2025
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Leather belt – representation uniform and ceremonials Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
The contracting authority intends to conclude a framework agreement for the supply of products for items of equipment in the composition of the representation uniform and ceremonials, as follows: - minimum 500 pcs. and maximum 20,000 pcs. – leather strap; Estimated quantity to be covered by the subsequent contract: - minimum 50 pcs. and maximum 5,000 pcs. - leather strap; The value of the largest subsequent contract will be 350.000,00 lei without VAT. The delivery term of the products is 4 months from the date of signing of the subsequent contract by the last party, except for the subsequent contracts concluded for equipping military school graduates (for a maximum quantity of 500 pcs.), which will have a delivery term of 2 (two) months. The contracting authority will respond clearly and completely to all requests for clarification/additional information, once, on the 11th day before the deadline for submission of tenders, to the extent that these requests were submitted within the deadline mentioned in SECTION I, respectively 19 days before the deadline for submission of tenders, as follows: – Number of days until which clarifications may be requested before the closing date for submission of tenders: 19; – Deadline for the Authority to reply to requests for clarification/additional information – 11th day. In order to comply with the principle of equal treatment, the economic operators concerned will comply with the provisions of ANAP Notification No 247 on how to send requests for clarifications and additional information to the award documentation / responses to the procedures for the award of public procurement contracts by electronic means (on-line), in the sense that the documents attached to the "Questions" section will not contain their identification data, as they will become public when the contracting authority sends its reply! Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
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