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Direct purchase as an additional order for competitive tendering 125940 Medical device integration Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
By invitation to tender dated 20 February 2022, Pohde has put out to tender an equipment integration platform through an open procedure. Pohde has requested an offer for a system package that enables the collection of measurement data from the patient's connected medical devices and the delivery of the collected data to the patient information systems. The system also transmits alarms from medical devices to different systems and devices (e.g. mobile, info screen). According to the invitation to tender, the system will be deployed in the new hospital and wireless patient monitoring monitors, telemetry, wireless infusion dispensers, wireless injection pumps and other wireless medical devices will have to operate in the standard wireless network of the hospital throughout the network. Competitive tendering has been a procurement of goods exceeding the EU threshold value. According to the invitation to tender, the preliminary estimate of patient beds has been 600, and according to the terms of the invitation to tender, the system must have been expandable to 600 patient beds. The duration of the contract is 60 months (5 years), after which the contract will continue indefinitely. By a procurement decision signed on 16 March 2023, Pohde chose Ascom Oy as the supplier of the system. The total value of the procurement, exclusive of VAT, was incorrectly entered in the procurement decision as the reference price of EUR 984 000, which was made up of the price of 350 devices when the tendering process was carried out for 600 devices. This decision concerns an additional order of 250 patient places missing from the value of the procurement decision. The part of the additional order has already been put out to tender through the above-mentioned competitive tendering, but in any case there is a reason for the procurement in accordance with section 41, subsection 1 of the Act on Public Contracts (1397/2016) (direct procurement in additional orders). The purpose of the additional order is to expand the equipment purchased from the original supplier. A change of supplier would lead to the purchase of goods with different technical characteristics, which would create incompatibilities or disproportionate technical difficulties in operation and maintenance. In practice, it is not possible to maintain several system entities in a hospital environment from the point of view of patient safety or costs. The contract under the initial competitive tendering procedure is for an indefinite period, since the renewal of the extensive system at issue at short intervals would entail unreasonable costs and would also unreasonably require other resources. It is appropriate that the contract for an additional order is also valid as the original contract. The value, exclusive of VAT, of the purchase of 250 patient beds is EUR 702 857.14. The decision does not include a quantity purchase obligation for the contracting entity, which will make the purchases according to its needs. The contracting entity shall conclude the contract in the matter no earlier than 14 days after the publication of the notice. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
32570000 - Communications equipment
72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
33000000 - Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
33100000 - Medical equipments CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
Type: price
Description: Hinta
Weight (percentage, exact): 50
Type: quality
Description: Laatu
Weight (percentage, exact): 50
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