- indicates CPV codes deduced from the text of the procedure
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Collection and management of municipal waste from owners of real estate residing in the Kępice Commune in the period from 01.01.2025 to 31.12.2025 and from the Municipal Waste Selective Collection Point in Kępice Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
11. The subject of the contract is the collection and management of municipal waste from owners of real estate inhabited from the area of the Municipality of Kępice from the following towns: Barcino, Barwino, Biesowice, Biesowiczki, Bronowo, Brzezinka, Chorowo, Chorówko, Ciecholub, Darnowo, Gościeradz, Jabłoniec, Jabłonna, Kaczyno, Kawka, Kępice, Korzybie, Kotłowo, Łużki, Mielęcino, Mzdowiec, Mzdowo, Mzdówko, Obłęże, Osieki, Osowo, Płocko, Podgóry, Polichno, Przyjezierze, Przytocko, Pustowo, Warcino, Żelice. 2. The Contractor shall be obliged to collect and develop: 1) the total amount of municipal waste generated and collected from all owners of properties on which residents live, located within the administrative boundaries of the Municipality of Kępice listed in Annex No 2 – Detailed list of properties 2) any amount of waste collected directly from the property, in bags or containers (minimum 110 l), and collected on the PSZOK of the following fractions: a) paper, b) glass, c) metals and plastics, d) bio-waste, e) unsegregated (mixed) municipal waste, f) bulky, g) waste electrical and electronic equipment, h) textiles. any quantity of unsorted waste collected in containers or bags with a frequency of: a) in the city of Kępice - single-family housing - every two weeks, - multi-family housing - once a week b) in the rural area of the Municipality of Kępice - single-family housing - twice a month, - multi-family housing - once a week 4) any quantity of segregated waste collected in containers or bags with the following frequency: plastics, metals, multi-material waste: · in the city of Kępice: - single-family housing - every two weeks, - multi-family housing - at least once a week · in the rural area of the Municipality of Kępice: - single-family buildings - twice a month, - multi-family buildings - every two weeks b) glass: - in single-family housing at least once a month, - in multi-family housing at least once a month c) paper: - single-family housing - at least once every two months - multi-family housing - at least once every two weeks (d) bio-waste: in the period from 01.04.2025 to 31.10.2025 - in single-family housing - at least every two weeks - in multi-family housing - at least once a week in the period from 01.03.2025 to 30.11.2025 - in single-family housing - at least once a month - in multi-family housing - at least once every two weeks e) bulky waste, waste electrical and electronic equipment - twice a year (spring and autumn) according to the schedule g) textiles and clothing - twice a year (spring and autumn) according to the schedule f) collection and management of waste from the Municipal Waste Selective Collection Point in Kępice. 3. Due to the fact that the Contracting Authority is obliged under the Act of 13 September 1996 on maintaining cleanliness and order in municipalities and the acts of local law issued on the basis thereof, to comprehensively maintain cleanliness and order in the Municipality of Kępice, it reserves the right to regulate (determine) the frequency of waste collection and the number of properties specified in Annex 2 – list of properties. During the term of the contract, the number of properties will be updated on an ongoing basis. 4. The collection of municipal waste should take place: a) in a continuous (cyclical) manner, not disturbing the night rest, b) on dates resulting from the adopted Schedule, c) regardless of weather conditions, d) vehicles adapted to receive individual fractions of waste, e) between 7.00 and 20.00. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
90500000 - Refuse and waste related services
90510000 - Refuse disposal and treatment CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
90512000 - Refuse transport services CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
90513000 - Non-hazardous refuse and waste treatment and disposal services CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
90511000 - Refuse collection services CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
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