Opening of tenders07/03/2025
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ESPOON APARTMENTS WITH FIXED APARTMENTS (YEARLY AGREEMENT), SHIPPING OF INDIVIDUAL EXTERNAL DOORS Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Based on this competitive tendering, 16 contract contractors will be selected to carry out apartment renovations of Espoon Asunton real estate. Apartment renovations are carried out at the unit prices provided in the tenders. In addition, two contractors will be selected to make changes to the exterior doors. The agreement will enter into force when it is signed. Orders will gradually be directed to the selected partners alongside the old contract partners. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Type: price
Description: Tarjous tehdään erikseen liitettävällä tarjouslomakkeella, josta lasketaan vertailuhinta
Weight (percentage, exact): 100
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