Opening of tenders17/01/2025
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Roadway reinforcement market 2025 Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Note: Not all information for this procedure were successfully computed. Please consult linked documents for more details.
Open tender procedure subject to the provisions of Articles L. 2124-2, R. 2124-2 1° and R. 2161-2 to R. 2161-5 and R. 2113-4 to R. 2113-6 of the Public Procurement Code. The contract shall include optional tranches as defined in the tender specifications. Each lot will be awarded separately. The work of the RMCs has been grouped into a single batch to allow for specific manufacturing with a higher EI rate and generate savings for the Department. The services are paid for by unit and flat-rate prices. Free variant not allowed. Required variant: Lot 1 with variant opening for asphalts with a high CGR Nord EI rate: operations = RD 926 and 4 sections of RD 955 CGR Sud: operations = RD 925 + RD 2144 + RD 940 CGR East: operations = 3 sections of RD 976 CGR Ouest: operations = RD 16 + RD 2144 Lot 2 this lot is not open for the North CGR variant: RD 940 crossing the agglomeration of Aubigny sur Nère Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
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