Opening of tenders04/03/2025
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Economic education of young people – pilot project Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
1. The subject of the contract is a service consisting in the implementation of a pilot project entitled: "Economic education of young people – pilot project". The project will be implemented as part of the call for support from the Development Plan for the implementation of the project under the Investment Call A.3.1.1 entitled: "Build a system for the coordination and monitoring of regional actions in the field of vocational education, higher education and lifelong learning, including adult learning". 2. The subject of the contract will be implemented and co-financed under the Project number KPOD.01.21-IW-08-0011/23, implemented as part of the call for proposals entitled: “Build a system of coordination and monitoring of regional actions for vocational education, higher education and lifelong learning, including adult learning”. 3. The description of the subject-matter of the contract is set out in Annex 1 to the SWZ and in the model contract, which constitutes Annex 2 to the SWZ. 4. The lack of division into lots of this contract is justified by the homogeneous target group of the contract, i.e. secondary school youth. The aim of the service is to provide students with the same activities that will instill an entrepreneurial spirit in them, as well as show them the various paths they can take after finishing their education (own business, employment in companies, etc.). Dividing the contract into lots will not result in the expansion of the circle of contractors who can apply for the contract in respect of individual lots. However, if the contract is divided into parts, the costs of performing the entire contract will be higher and the risk of non-performance of one of the parts, or delay in performance, may threaten the proper performance of the entire contract. In addition, when dividing the contract into lots, it will be difficult to coordinate the activities of several Contractors. 10. The Ordering Party does not require taking part in an on-site visit/checking by the Contractor of documents necessary for the performance of the order. 11. The Contracting Authority does not allow the possibility of submitting a variant offer referred to in Article 92 of the Public Procurement Act, i.e. an offer providing for a different method of performance of the contract than specified in this SWZ. 12. The contracting authority does not provide for the conclusion of a framework agreement and the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system and does not provide for the selection of the most advantageous tender using an electronic auction. 13. The contracting authority does not provide for the award of contracts on the basis of Art. 1 point 7 of the Public Procurement Act. 14. The Contracting Authority does not allow submission of tenders in the form of electronic catalogues or attaching electronic catalogues to the tender, in the situations specified in Article 93 of the Public Procurement Act. 15. The Ordering Party does not provide for settlement in foreign currencies. Settlement of the order is made in PLN. 16. The contracting authority does not provide for reimbursement of costs of participation in the procedure. 17. The contracting authority does not provide for the granting of advances for the performance of the contract. 18. The contracting authority, acting pursuant to Art. 1 and 2 of the Act informs that it requires employment by the Contractor and subcontractor(s) on the basis of an employment relationship of persons performing activities during the performance of the subject of the contract, consisting in performing work in the manner specified in Article 22 § 1 of the Act of 26 June 1974 - Labour Code (i.e.: Journal of Laws 2023, item 1465). Activities in the scope of performance of the subject of the contract, which the Ordering Party indicates as requiring employment on the basis of an employment relationship, are activities requiring supervision by the Contractor, with the exception of: - activities that require running a business, - activities that are performed directly and exclusively by the Contractor. 1) Type of activities related to the performance of the contract, which are related to the requirements of employment on the basis of an employment relationship by the Contractor or a subcontractor of persons performing activities during the performance of the contract: administrative and office activities (also described in § 2 sec. 8 of the model contract - Annex 2 to the SWZ). The Contracting Authority shall not require the Contractor to submit the means of proof in question. The Ordering Party requires that the order be executed by 30 May 2026. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
80000000 - Education and training services
80530000 - Vocational training services
60140000 - Non-scheduled passenger transport
85312320 - Counselling services
79000000 - Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
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