Opening of tenders20/02/2025
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Košice Football Academy Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Note: Not all information for this procedure were successfully computed. Please consult linked documents for more details.
The subject-matter of the public procurement is the establishment of the Football Academic Centre in Košice – Design and construction (hereinafter: Design and construction of football academy) Košice (Slovakia): 1550/1, 1550/46, 1550/65. The total area affected by the construction is 78626 m2. On the basis of the approval documentation, the design tasks are as follows: - building accommodation plan (in Slovak project pre územné rozhodnutie) - preparation of licensed plans and permits, including obtaining permits, - preparation of construction plans and construction documentation, including the preparation of a detailed priced budget, - preparation of implementation plan documentation, obtaining permits necessary for the operation of the Football Academy. The design of the sports facility must comply with the requirements issued by the Slovak Football Association (SFZ) for the organisation of league II football matches. The requirements are available in the procurement documents. On the basis of the approval documentation, the execution tasks are as follows: - the construction of a main building with a planned floor area of 4096 m2, consisting of a four-storey brick-constructed reinforced concrete slab, available to players, coaches and referees. The main building shall perform the following functions: administrative spaces, accommodation capacities included. - construction of 6 football pitches (4 natural grass pitches 105 m X 68 m, 2 artificial grass pitches 105 m X 68 m ), - construction of at least 112 parking spaces, - roads, pavements and landscaping. The contracting authority also defines an export option in paragraph BT-54 of the call. The contracting authority states that furniture and kitchen technology are not part of this public procurement procedure. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Type: quality
Description: A felhívás III.1.3) M/2.1. pont szerinti alkalmassági követelmény esetében bemutatott szakember sportlétesítmény tervezésében szerzett többlet szakmai tapasztalata (0-36 hónap)
Weight (percentage, exact): 10
Type: quality
Description: A felhívás III.1.3) M/2.2. pont szerinti alkalmassági követelmény esetében bemutatott szakember sportlétesítmény kivitelezésében szerzett többlet szakmai tapasztalata (0-36 hónap)
Weight (percentage, exact): 10
Type: quality
Description: A felhívás III.1.3) M/2.3. pont szerinti alkalmassági követelmény esetében bemutatott szakember sportlétesítmény kivitelezésében szerzett szakmai tapasztalata (0-36 hónap)
Weight (percentage, exact): 10
Type: price
Description: Összesen képzett nettó ajánlati ár (nettó EUR)
Weight (percentage, exact): 70
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