- indicates CPV codes deduced from the text of the procedure
CT7000/2023/01 - Specific Contract for Civil, Electrical and Preparatory Works in an Environmentally Friendly Manner icw Installation of Charging Pillars Across Malta and Gozo for EWA
Specific Contract issued under the Dynamic Purchasing System for Civil, Electrical and Preparatory Works in an Environmentally Friendly Manner in Connection with the Installation of Charging Pillars Across Malta and Gozo for The Energy and Water Agency – Call No.1
45233222 - Paving and asphalting works
45311100 - Electrical wiring work
31220000 - Electrical circuit components
45310000 - Electrical installation work
45112100 - Trench-digging work
31213000 - Distribution equipment
45233290 - Installation of road signs
45233291 - Installation of bollards
45100000 - Site preparation work
71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
Type: price
Description: Cheapest
Weight (percentage, exact): 790943
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