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Herálec – forest work 2025-2026 Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Note: Not all information for this procedure were successfully computed. Please consult linked documents for more details.
In accordance with Section 101 of the PPA, the public contract is divided into three lots with sub-titles: 1) Harvesting and concentrating of wood by harvester technology - harvesting of wood by harvester and approaching by forwarder, harvesting of wood by JMP + traction winch + harvester - the minimum harvested quantity will be 500 m3, the maximum harvested quantity will be 3000 m3 in total - all will be carried out on the basis of orders of the contracting authority - according to Annex ZD No. 2 of the cover sheet of the tender, where the assumption of the division of harvested vegetation by mass is given and depends on the amount of damage caused by a biotic and abiotic harmful agent in the given group and which will form Annex No. 1 to the contract for work. 2) Timber harvesting by hand and concentrating timber on OM - timber harvesting JMP + horse cover + tractor loader, JMP + tractor loader, JMP + tractor (traction winch) + tractor loader, JMP + CMU - the minimum harvested quantity will be a total of 500 m3, the maximum harvested quantity will be a total of 3000 m3 - everything will be carried out on the basis of the contracting authority's orders - according to Annex ZD No. 2 of the cover sheet of the tender, which states the assumption of the division of harvested vegetation by mass and depends on the amount of damage caused by a biotic and abiotic harmful factor in the given group and which will form Annex No. 1 to the contract for work. 3) Pěstební práce - příprava ploch před zalesněním mechanická, sadba odrostků a poloodrostků, sadba sazenic, úklid klestu, stavba oplocenek, rozebírání a likvidace oplocenek, údržba a opravy oplocenek, nátěr nebo postřik kultur repelent, výřez plevelných dřevin, ochrana MLP proti hmyzím škůdcům, asanace kůr. dříví - chemická, výchovné zásahy prořezávky a prostřihávky, ožívání ručně+ mechanicky, ošlapávání kultur, chemická ochrana v pruzích či celoplošně a dodávky sadebního materiálu - požadavky zadavatele na předmět plnění budou tvořit přílohu č.2 smlouvy o dílo - vše bude prováděno na základě objednávek zadavatele - dle Přílohy ZD č.2 Krycího listu nabídky, kde je uvedeno předpokládané množství požadovaných prací a dodávek a který bude tvořit přílohu č.1 smlouvy o dílo. In accordance with Section 101(2) of the PPA, the contracting authority states that the participants are entitled to submit their tenders for one (any) part of the public contract or for two parts of the public contract or for all three parts of the public contract - at their discretion. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
77211500 - Tree-maintenance services
34000000 - Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
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