Opening of tenders20/12/2024
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Reconstruction of Karáčoni Palace Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Karáčoni Palace is a national cultural monument registered in the Central List of Monuments Fund of the Slovak Republic under Nos 101-596/0 and is owned by the Slovak Republic under the administration of the Office of the President of the Slovak Republic and the Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic. The purpose of the reconstruction is to improve the building and technical condition of the building and reduce the energy intensity of the building with the aim of reducing primary energy consumption by 50%. The reconstruction of the Karáčoni Palace building consists of restoration and thermal insulation of the facade, demolition works, construction of cold distribution systems, supply and installation of reverse heat pumps and distribution systems, construction of new wiring and lighting, moisture remediation, remediation of the retaining wall by the Grasalkovič Garden and is divided into three separate supply units: DC - 1 part of the Karáčoni Palace administered by the Presidential Office of the Slovak Republic, including its modern extension - Complete reconstruction of the Karáčoni Palace facade and its modern extension, including the reconstruction of the attics, their balustrades, balconies, connection details, rainwater pipes, sewers and plumbing details; - Partial reconstruction of the 1PP, 1NP, 2NP, 3NP 3NP spaces resulting from the replacement of the new cooling system, including its new distribution systems and partial replacement of the distribution and TZB technologies resulting from the reconstruction of the boiler room and the replacement of the end elements of lighting; - Reconstruction of the gas boiler room (jointly for KP SR and ÚV SR); - Insulation of the ceiling above 3NP was carried out - unheated space; - Remediation of the moisture of the lower buildings of Karáčoni Palace and its new port; - Reconstruction of the flat roof of the new port. DC - 2 časť Karáčoniho paláca v správe Úradu vlády SR - Kompletnú rekonštrukciu fasády Karáčoniho paláca vrátane zrekonštruovania atík, ich balustrád, balkónov, detailov napojenia, dažďových okapov, zvodov a klampiarskych detailov, - Búracie práce, príprava objektu na vybudovanie betónových výťahových šachiet – prierazy cez drevené stropy a vybudovanie výťahov, - Kompletná rekonštrukcia priestorov 1PP, 1NP, 2NP, 3NP vrátane výmeny všetkých rozvodov a technológií TZB vrátane podláh, podhľadov, výstavby nových priečok, výmeny okien a dverí za historické repliky, - Zateplenie krovu vrátane návrhu jeho využiteľnosti na administratívne účely 4NP (povala) vrátane osadenia strešných okien bez demontáže strešnej krytiny, - Sanácia vlhkosti spodných stavieb Karáčoniho paláca. DC -3 part of the modern extension administered by the Government Office of the Slovak Republic - Removal of the modern economic extension, - Reconstruction of paved areas, roads, parking spaces and a retaining wall, including the implementation of a fence from the Grasalkovič Garden. The ecological aspect in public procurement is the fact that it is a deep renovation that will fundamentally change the energy consumption needed to operate this building. After the implementation of the reconstruction, the contracting authority estimates the rate of reduction of primary energy consumption by 50 %, thus exceeding the minimum requirements by the fund provider. The detailed definition of the subject-matter of the contract is set out in Annex 1 - Description of the subject-matter of the contract and of the work related to the execution of the work are specified in detail in Annex 2 - Project documentation, Annex 3 - Statement of specifications and Annex 4 - Specification of reference products. Where the design documents or the bill of quantities contain goods of the required technical characteristics or the range of technical parameters identifies the product of a particular manufacturer, the contracting authority shall allow the tenderer to submit an equivalent in the tender, provided that such goods meet the requirements for technical, operational, functional and aesthetic characteristics that are necessary to ensure the purpose for which the goods are intended. The burden of proof for identifying the product of a particular manufacturer and for fulfilling the utility, operational and functional characteristics lies with the tenderer. When designing equivalent supplies, the tenderer must exercise professional diligence, taking into account the original contracting authority’s required purpose and full functionality. The submitted equivalent must not entail other incidental costs which the contracting authority would have to bear in connection with the performance of the contract resulting from the tendering procedure and the receipt of the submitted equivalent must not give rise to increased direct or indirect costs arising from the use of the subject-matter of the contract supplied. Technical sheets of equivalent – Annex 4 – Specification of the reference products of the specifications in .pdf format, which must be submitted in accordance with point 11 of the specifications in Slovak or, where applicable, Czech; or to indicate in Annex 4 to the specifications: • the actual specification of the subject of the contract offered – technical parameters (in the case of a numerical value, indicate its actual value, type, manufacturer, label) or • a link to a website where the technical specification of the equivalent offered can be verified. Where the tenderer submits an equivalent in the tender, it shall value the equivalent in the statement of area (the tenderer may indicate a line in the statement of area in colour with the equivalent). Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
45212314 - Historical monument or memorial construction work
45210000 - Building construction work
45232400 - Sewer construction work
45400000 - Building completion work CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
45320000 - Insulation work CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
45261000 - Erection and related works of roof frames and coverings CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
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