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Execution of the study entitled: ‘Hazard verification and indication of target prevention methods for selected areas where former mining excavations connected to the surface (glasses, shafts, tunnels, falls) have been inventoried’. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
As part of the task, the Contractor shall: 1) present the concept of criteria for modifying the method of risk assessment from excavations. To this end, it will re-analyse the information and database of decommissioned mining excavations connected to the surface, constituting a resource of the Archive of Mining and Geological Documentation of the Higher Mining Office in Katowice, as regards the classification of surface hazards from decommissioned excavations, established in the course of the inventory carried out so far on the basis of the ‘Methodology for assessing risks from mining excavations connected to the surface of underground mining plants located in decommissioned areas’, developed by the Central Mining Institute with its registered office in Katowice. The resource contains data for 8066 decommissioned mining excavations after the exploitation of hard coal, barite, uranium, ores of non-ferrous metals and salt, connected to the surface (glasses, shafts, tunnels, falls, dukes) in the Śląskie, Małopolskie and Dolnośląskie Voivodships, obtained as part of the inventory carried out in 2013-2023. The method of assessing the intensity of the risk from the shaft, resulting from the above-mentioned study, is based on the parameters given in the parametric assessment sheet of the shaft, to which point values are assigned. The total number of points predisposes the excavation to a specific category and degree of danger. 2) will verify the surface hazard category for all inventoried excavations, applying the criteria included in the concept referred to in point 1, will also be obliged to indicate excavations-regions for additional surveys using geophysical methods. 3) carry out geophysical surveys for the excavations indicated by the contracting authority – areas. 4) determine, on the basis of all available information, the scope of necessary preventive actions for selected excavations-regions, potentially posing the greatest threat to the surface. 5) submit a complete study to the ordering party. The methodology for assessing the risks posed by mining excavations connected to the surface of underground mining plants located in the decommissioned areas is attached as Annex 2 to the SWZ. The list of studies covering the inventory of excavations carried out in 2013-2023 is attached as Annex 3 to the SWZ. 3. The implementation of the subject of the contract will take place in stages: Stage I: by 15 July 2025, the contractor develops and submits for acceptance by the contracting authority the concept referred to in point V(2.1) SWZ. The concept will be sent to the ordering party in an electronic version on CD/DVD or other data carrier and in a paper version. Phase II: by 31 January 2026, the contractor, on the basis of the concept adopted by the contracting authority, will verify the risk categories for 8066 decommissioned mining excavations connected to the surface and indicate the excavations – areas predisposed to carry out additional geophysical surveys. The development – verified database for the above-mentioned excavations – will be sent to the contracting authority in electronic form on CD/DVD or another data carrier, while the list of excavations – areas predisposed to carry out additional geophysical surveys, in paper form. Stage III: by 30 June 2026, the contractor will carry out geophysical surveys for at least 160 endangered excavations – areas indicated by the contracting authority and determine the scope of necessary preventive (safeguarding) activities for these excavations. The number of excavations indicated by the contracting authority in the SWZ, i.e. 160, it's an estimate. The final number of excavations to be surveyed will be determined after the end of the second stage of implementation. The Contractor shall be remunerated only for the actual number of tests carried out, while the execution of tests in the amount exceeding 160 excavations requires the written consent of the Ordering Party. As part of the final stage of implementation, the contractor will submit a complete study entitled: ‘Hazard verification and indication of target prevention methods for selected areas where former mining excavations connected to the surface (glasses, shafts, tunnels, falls) have been inventoried’, also known as the final study. The complete documentation on the implementation of the task is to include: Report, finalisation and verified database for 8066 decommissioned mining excavations. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
71351000 - Geological, geophysical and other scientific prospecting services CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
71350000 - Engineering-related scientific and technical services CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
Type: price
Description: 1. Waga kryterium 100% - podstawą przyznania punktów w kryterium „cena” będzie łączna cena ofertowa brutto podana przez wykonawcę w formularzu oferty, - łączna cena ofertowa brutto musi uwzględniać wszelkie koszty jakie wykonawca poniesie w związku z realizacją przedmiotu zamówienia. 2. Punktacja przyznawana ofertom będzie liczona z dokładnością do dwóch miejsc po przecinku zgodnie z zasadami arytmetyki. 3. W toku badania i oceny ofert zamawiający może żądać od wykonawcy wyjaśnień dotyczących treści złożonej oferty, w tym zaoferowanej ceny. 4. Zamawiający udzieli zamówienia wykonawcy, którego oferta zostanie uznana za najkorzystniejszą. Za najkorzystniejszą zostanie uznana oferta, która uzyska najwyższą ilość punktów.
Weight (percentage, exact):
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