Opening of tenders23/01/2025
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Execution of design and costing documentation for the extension of the Technical School Complex building, consisting in the construction of a sports hall with a connector at ul. Alfons Hoffman 1-7 in Grudziądz, as part of the task entitled "Making technical documentation for the construction of a sports hall at ZST in Grudziądz". Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
1.The subject of the contract is the preparation of design and costing documentation for the extension of the Technical School Complex building consisting in the construction of a sports hall with a connector at ul. Alfons Hoffman 1 – 7 in Grudziądz as part of the task entitled: ‘Execution of technical documentation for the construction of a sports hall at ZST in Grudziądz’. 2.The subject matter of the contract shall include in particular: 1) preparation of pre-project studies: a) geodetic studies, b) geotechnical documentation, 2) development of a software-spatial concept, 3) development of design documentation consisting of: a construction project consisting of: a.1. a plot or land development project, a.2. an architectural and construction project, a.3. a technical project, a.4. information on safety and health protection, a.5. a set of all conditions, arrangements, opinions or decisions required by law (hereinafter referred to as "formal and legal documents"), including obtaining a derogation from technical conditions (if necessary), b) documentation for the notification of works not requiring a construction permit or for demolition facilities (if necessary), c) an executive design for individual industries, d) a bill of quantities for individual industries, 4) preparation of technical specifications for the execution and acceptance of construction works for individual industries, 5) preparation of an investor's cost estimate together with a statement of investment costs, 6) author's supervision. 3.The detailed scope of the subject-matter of the contract and the conditions for the performance of the contract are set out in Annexes No 2 to the SWZ – Description of the subject-matter of the contract and No 3 to the SWZ – Model contract. 4. Communication in the proceedings takes place using electronic means of communication, using the purchasing platform https://platformazakupowa.pl/pn/gpp_grudziadz 5. In correspondence addressed to the Ordering Party, as well as when submitting a tender, the Contractor should use the name and case number. 6. The Ordering Party informs that in the scope of questions regarding the functioning of the purchasing platform, please contact the Platform's Customer Support Center at 22 10 10 202, cwk@platformazakupowa.pl 7. The Ordering Party informs that the instructions for using the purchasing platform can be found in the "Instructions for Contractors" tab on the website at https://platformazakupowa.pl/page/45-instructions 8. Technical and organizational requirements for preparing, sending and receiving electronic correspondence are described in the regulations platformzakupowa.pl https://platformazakupowa.pl/strona/1-regulamin 9. The contracting authority shall specify the minimum hardware and application requirements enabling work on the purchasing platform: 1) permanent access to the Internet with a guaranteed bandwidth of not less than 512 kbps, 2) PC or MAC computer with the following configuration: memory min. 2 GB Ram, Intel IV 2 GHZ processor or its newer version, one of the operating systems - MS Windows 7, Mac Os x 10 4, Linux, or their newer versions, 3)installed any web browser, in the case of Internet Explorer minimum version 10 0., 4)enabled JavaScript, 5)installed Adobe Acrobat Reader or another program supporting the .pdf file format, 6)platform works according to the standard adopted in network communication - UTF8 encoding, 7)determination of the time of data reception by the purchasing platform is the date and exact time (hhh:mm:ss) generated by the local time of the server synchronized with the clock of the Central Office of Measures, 8)maximum size of one file sent via dedicated forms to: submission, change, withdrawal of the offer is 150 MB, while in communication the file size is a maximum of 500 MB. 10. By proceeding with the present proceedings, the Contractor shall: 1) accepts the terms of use of platformzakupowa.pl set out in the regulations posted on the website under the link in the "Regulations" tab and considers it binding, 2) has read and applies the instructions for submitting offers / applications available at the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kd1DttbBeiNWt4q4slS4t76lZVKPbkyD/view 11. The tender, declarations shall be submitted, failing which they shall be null and void, in electronic form. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGREEMENT: Amendments to the content of the contract are provided for in Section 11 of Annex 3 to the SWZ – Model contract: 1.The Ordering Party provides for the possibility of making significant changes to the contract in the scope of changing the date of performance of the contract in the case of: 1) delays by public administration authorities in issuing administrative decisions, arrangements, expert opinions or other administrative acts necessary to perform the Subject of the contract, despite the Contractor meeting the conditions for obtaining them, including in particular the submission by the Contractor of a correct and complete application for their issuance, 2) initiation by any entity of judicial or administrative proceedings preventing the Contractor from performing the Subject of the contract, in particular suspending the possibility of obtaining appropriate administrative decisions, arrangements, permits, expert opinions or other administrative acts necessary to perform the Subject of the contract; 3) changes in the applicable law affecting the deadline for performance of the Subject matter of the contract, including in particular the obligation for the Contractor to obtain additional administrative decisions, arrangements, permits, expert opinions or other administrative acts necessary to perform the Subject matter of the contract, which were not necessary at the stage of submitting tenders, 4) occurrence of force majeure conditions, understood as an external event, impossible or almost impossible to predict and beyond the control of the parties to the contract, e.g. floods, fires, epidemics, riots, acts of vandalism, strikes, and blockades of borders and ports and other similar events beyond the control of the parties to the contract, and resulting in the impossibility or significant impediment to performance of the contract within the previously agreed deadline. 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71220000 - Architectural design services
71221000 - Architectural services for buildings
71320000 - Engineering design services CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
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