Publications Office of the EU
Exercising construction supervision during the implementation of construction works under the project: Reconstruction and/or rehabilitation of part of the street network along streets: Todor Kableshkov Street in the section from the intersection with Bacho Kiro Street to N. Hrelkov Street, G. Benkovski Street, Stella Blagoeva Street and Stefan Popov Street, Velingrad - EU tenders
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Exercising construction supervision during the implementation of construction works under the project: Reconstruction and/or rehabilitation of part of the street network along streets: Todor Kableshkov Street in the section from the intersection with Bacho Kiro Street to N. Hrelkov Street, G. Benkovski Street, Stella Blagoeva Street and Stefan Popov Street, Velingrad Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated

  • Published
  • Deadline
  • Today
  • Opening of tenders
Type of contract
Subject for Renewal
Place of performance
NUTS code: Not available
Location of buyer
NUTS code: BG423 Пазарджик
Business sector (Main CPV)
71521000 Construction-site supervision services
Total estimated contract value (excluding VAT)
23,217.00 BGN
Total final contract value (excluding VAT)
Not available
Tender reference number

The contractor is responsible for its activities and obligations as a participant in the investment process, regulated by Articles 166 and 168 of the Spatial Development Act, as well as for those arising from Article 178 of the Spatial Development Act, as well as other applicable provisions of the current legislation. Construction supervision is carried out within the mandatory scope in accordance with the requirements of the Spatial Planning Act, the requirements of Regulation No 3 of 31 July 2003 on the drawing up of acts and protocols during construction, taking into account the requirements of Regulation No RD-02-20-1 of 2015 on the conditions and procedure for the incorporation of construction products in the construction works of the Republic of Bulgaria and all laws and secondary legislation in the field of construction in the Republic of Bulgaria. The exercise of construction supervision will be in volume and scope, in accordance with the requirements of the Spatial Development Act and the relevant secondary legislation, performing at least the following activities, divided into two main groups: Main activities: 1) exercising construction supervision over the implementation of construction works according to the approved investment project and the requirements of the normative acts: 1.1. control and comparison of the works performed in relation to the scope and content of the investment project; 1.2. control and comparison of the performed works against the provisions of the applicable legislation in force. 2) verification of the executed construction and installation works and signing of protocols for acceptance of the executed construction and installation works, prepared by the Contractor of the construction and installation works: 2.1. presence on site and monitoring and control of the quantities and types of works currently performed; 2.2. as a result of the implementation of sub-activity 2.1., as well as in view of the results of the implementation of the works under activity 1 – a comprehensive review of the acts provided by the contractor of the works and, in the event of compliance, their signature. 3) ensuring the drafting of the acts and protocols in accordance with the requirements of Regulation No 3, before, during and after the completion of the construction and installation activities: 3.1. drafting of acts and protocols before the start of the construction works; 3.2. drafting of acts and protocols during the construction works; 3.3. drawing up of acts and protocols after completion of the construction works. 4) control over environmental protection during the implementation of construction and installation activities, in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) and the Waste Management Act and the regulations thereto: 4.1. preliminary detailed knowledge of the provisions of the applicable legislation in force, as well as the content of the approved projects; 4.2. as a result of sub-activity 4.1., as well as in connection with the permanent presence of representatives of the contractor on the sites, the establishment and implementation of an environmental protection control system. 5) control of the compliance of the input materials and products in accordance with the requirements of Regulation No RD-02-20-1 of 5 February 2015 on the conditions and procedure for the incorporation of construction products in the construction works of the Republic of Bulgaria. In this regard, it performs control checks to ensure compliance with the requirements of Article 169a(1) of the Spatial Planning Act, as well as compliance of the products and materials proposed for incorporation with the current regulations and the technical characteristics set out in the approved investment project, bills of quantities: 5.1. preliminary detailed acquaintance with the offer of the Contractor of the construction works in connection with the implementation of the activity; 5.2. as a result of sub-activity 5.1., as well as in connection with the presence of representatives of the contractor of the sites - control over the compliance of the input materials and products both with the applicable legislation in force and the contract with the contractor of the works. 6) prepare a technical passport of the construction, in accordance with the requirements of Ordinance No 5/28.12.2006. The technical passports shall be handed over to the Contracting Authority on paper in 2 (two) copies, accompanied by an electronic medium in "doc" and "pdf" format or equivalent, corresponding to the paper one. The electronic copy shall be submitted on a CD or other electronic medium: 7) control the quality of the construction and assembly works and prevent the violation of their technological consistency through the issuance of prescriptions and orders, which it enters in the order book of the construction: 7.1. monitoring of the correct observance of the technological sequence in the implementation of the construction works on the basis of the contract with the contractor of the construction works, as well as good construction practices; 7.2. entry in the order book of orders in cases where the construction works deviate from the sequence and requirements of the project resulting from the contract with the contractor of the construction works and / or good construction practices. 8) constant monitoring of compliance with the schedules for the implementation of the works (including the annexes), as well as monitoring for deviations from them and timely reporting to the contracting authority of any deviations arising during the execution of the works. Requiring measures by the works contractor to correct deviations, as well as monitoring compliance with these measures and, if necessary, reporting on the latter: 8.1. prior detailed knowledge of the content of the proposed schedules by the Contractor of the construction works, as well as, if applicable, the updated ones; 8.2. control over their compliance with the actual progress of the construction works and, if necessary, inform the Contracting Authority. Continued in section Description(BT-24-Lot). Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated

Submission Method
Electronic via:
Tenders may be submitted
Electronic submission: required
Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)
Not available
Conditions for opening tenders (date)
21/01/2025 12:20
Place of performance
Not available
Award method
Икономически най-изгодната оферта се определя въз основа на критерия - „най-ниска цена”.
Estimated value
23,217.00 BGN
Final contracted value
Not available
Award of contract
Not available
Prior information
Footnote - legal notice

This content published on this page is meant purely as an additional service and has no legal effect. The Union's institutions do not assume any liability for its contents. The official versions of the relevant tendering notices are those published in the Supplement of Official Journal of the European Union and available in TED. Those official texts are directly accessible through the links embedded in this page. For more information please see Public Procurement Explainability and Liability notice.