Publications Office of the EU
New construction of the St. Vincent school in Neutraubling - drywall work - EU tenders
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New construction of the St. Vincent school in Neutraubling - drywall work Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated

  • Awarded
  • Today
Type of contract
Subject for Renewal
Katholische Jugendfürsorge der Diözese Regensburg e.V., Vergabestelle E-Schule
Place of performance
NUTS code: Multiple place of performance
Location of buyer
NUTS code: DE238 Regensburg, Landkreis
Business sector (Main CPV)
45214200 Construction work for school buildings
Total estimated contract value (excluding VAT)
Not available
Total final contract value (excluding VAT)
Not available
Tender reference number

Drywall works with wooden slat ceiling and wooden beam wall, 410 m2 drywalls not included. F0 12,5-20,5cm, 111 m2 F30 drywalls 12,5-15 cm, 121 m2 drywalls F0 nottr. approx. 20-30 cm, 260 lfm edge protection, 70 m2 installation walls 30-40 cm, 169 m2 overlay shells 17-25 cm, 62 m2 free. Overlays 17-25 cm, 40 m2 acoustic wall cladding free-hanging, 38 m2 wet room ceilings GKI, 237 m2 wet room ceilings GKB, 105 m2 smooth ceilings GK, 2,510m2 GK perforated ceilings, 1,950 lm smooth frieze for perforated ceilings 25 cm wide, 17 pcs. Rev opening 100x200 cm, 172 pcs. Rev openings 40x40 to 60x60 cm, 445 m2 ball-proof GK perforated ceiling gymnasium, 90 m fries to ball throws. Perforated ceiling, 180 m2 wooden slat ceiling auditorium, 390 m2 wooden slat ceiling learning corridors, 15 pcs. Light dome panels 1.25x1.25 to 1.0x3.0m, 108 m2 wooden beam wall, 35 m steel UK top and bottom, 5 pcs. Blackout blind with box in GK ceiling Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated

Submission Method
Not available
Tenders may be submitted
Not available
Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)
Not available
Conditions for opening tenders (date)
Not available
Award method
Der Preis ist das einzige Zuschlagskriterium.
Estimated value
Not available
Final contracted value
Not available
Award of contract
Official name: Lindner SE
Postal address:
Town: Arnstorf
Postal code: 94424
Prior information
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