Opening of tenders12/03/2025
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SPECIALIST - DYNAMIC HYDRAULIC MOTOR WITH EQUIPMENT Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
1. The subject of the contract is a specialised dynamic hydraulic cylinder with accessories for the 9C Mechanical Shocks test. Mechanical Shock) according to Regulation No 100 of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UN/ECE) and the ‘Inertial load at a vehicle crash’ test according to ISO 6469-1:2019 clause, for objects weighing up to 600 kg (including instrumentation). 2. Requirements for a specialised dynamic hydraulic cylinder and accessories, hereinafter referred to as mechanical shock test bench: 2.1. The test bench shall be capable of performing ‘mechanical shock’ tests in accordance with the requirements of Regulation No 100 (test 9C) and ISO 6469 (section of objects up to 600 kg. 2.2. The station shall consist of the following sub-assemblies: a. hydraulic cylinder with accumulators and a bracket with the following parameters: strength: min. 400 kN, piston rod stroke min. 800 mm, working pressure min. 210 bar, piston rod diameter min. 120 mm, cylinder design should allow its use up to a speed min. 9 m/s. b. test table with linear bearing, with an area min. 240x140 cm, with M16 holes with a spacing of 10x10 cm, travel min. 800 mm - combined with a hydraulic cylinder. c. air-cooled hydraulic power supply with the following parameters: working pressure min. 210 bar, oil tank capacity min. 200 liters, nominal flow: min. 40 l/min. d. hydraulic distributor with an operating pressure of min. 210 bar. e. deceleration sensor mounted on the test bench, calibrated with a controller. f. controller enabling the system to be controlled in a closed system (feedback control), equipped with test software capable of generating (e.g. by iterating) test signals with a profile complying with the requirements of Regulation No. 100 and ISO 6469 (example drawing below, of Regulation No. 100, showing the requirements for the acceleration pulse to be applied to the test sample). The controller shall be capable of refreshing the feedback loop at a frequency of not less than 10 kHz and sampling at a frequency (per measurement channel) of not less than 10 kHz. The device should have a test frequency of up to 1000 Hz. The set should include a PC with a monitor and Windows. g. a set of hydraulic and signal connections between: actuator, table, pump, cooling system and controller. 2.3 The Contractor undertakes to supply and install a specialised dynamic hydraulic cylinder and accessories at the premises of BOSMAL. Any reference in the tender specifications to the type, trade marks or origin of the subject-matter of the contract shall be read together with the words ‘or equivalent’. Where reference is made in the description of the subject-matter of the contract to standards, technical assessments, technical specifications and technical reference systems, the Contracting Authority shall allow equivalent solutions. If equivalent solutions are offered, the Contracting Authority will not reject the tender on the sole ground that the offered supply does not comply with the standards, technical assessments, technical specifications and technical reference systems to which the description of the subject-matter of the contract refers, provided that the contractor proves in the tender, in particular by the means of evidence referred to in Articles 104-107 of the Act, that the proposed solutions meet to an equivalent extent the requirements set out in the description of the subject-matter of the contract. Where the description of the subject-matter of the contract refers to performance or functional requirements, the Contracting Authority shall not reject a tender in accordance with the Polish Standard transposing a European standard, standards of other Member States of the European Economic Area transposing European standards, with a European Technical Assessment, with a common technical specification, with an international standard or with a technical reference system established by a European standardisation body, if those standards, technical assessments, specifications and technical reference systems relate to performance or functional requirements specified by the Contracting Authority, provided that the economic operator proves in the tender, in particular by the means of evidence referred to in Articles 104 to 107, that the supply meets the performance or functional requirements specified by the Contracting Authority. 3. Additional requirements: 3.1. Installation and acceptance of the subject of the order: 3.1.1 The Ordering Party will perform all necessary power connection points and prepare a foundation plate on which the Contractor will install the hydraulic cylinder in question in accordance with the following guidelines of the Contractor: Within 30 days from the date of conclusion of the contract, the Contractor shall deliver to the Ordering Party: a. connection conditions for the workstation (fixing, utilities connection, connection parameters), b. drawings with critical dimensions of the supplied workstation, necessary for proper preparation of the installation site. 4. The detailed description of the contract is contained in § 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCUREMENT OBJECT AND IN THE PROCUREMENT DOCUMENTS. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
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