Opening of tenders21/01/2025
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‘Supply, installation and commissioning of specialised equipment under grant agreement No BG-RRP-1.014-0016-C01 ‘Construction of a Centre of Excellence in Vocational Education and Training in the Kapitan Petko Voivoda PGEE’, by lot Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Note: Not all information for this procedure were successfully computed. Please consult linked documents for more details.
‘Supply, installation and commissioning of specialised equipment under grant agreement No BG-RRP-1.014-0016-C01 ‘Construction of a Centre of Excellence in Vocational Education and Training at the Kapitan Petko Voivoda PGEE’, under lots OP No 1 ‘Supply, installation and commissioning of training and laboratory equipment for an Automated Systems Workshop’ OP No 2 ‘Supply, installation and commissioning of training and laboratory equipment for an Industry 4.0 laboratory’ OP No 3 ‘Supply, installation and commissioning of a laboratory modular system for the structure and modes of operation of the lighting system for an Electrical Equipment Workshop’ OP No 4 ‘Supply, installation and commissioning of training stands for an Electrical Equipment Workshop’ OP No 5 : ‘Supply, installation and commissioning of training and laboratory equipment for an Electrical Measurement Workshop’ OP No 6: ‘Supply and installation of technological equipment for an Electrical Equipment Workshop for Transport Equipment’ The subject of the public procurement is delivery, installation/installation, adjustment, testing upon request, training of staff and commissioning of equipment and furniture in the applicable cases of furniture under the project ‘Construction of a Centre of Excellence in Vocational Education and Training in PGEE ‘Kapitan Petko Voivoda’, by lot. In the performance of this contract, the following activities are envisaged: Supply of equipment and furniture; Installation of equipment and furniture; Installation of equipment (where applicable); Installation of software, where applicable (applies to software); Equipment setup and configuration (where applicable); Installation, update and upgrade of firmware/system software on equipment (where applicable); Placing in service of equipment (where applicable); Acceptance tests of equipment (where applicable); Training of the personnel of the contracting authority for operation and exploitation with the supplied equipment and furnishings (where applicable); Warranty service and maintenance of the supplied equipment and furniture; Under OP No 1, the supply includes: 1. Auto SIM - 200, Permanent license for software for drawing of pneumatic, hydraulic, electronic and other circuits /package 16 users/ - pcs. 2; 2. Double-sided workbench with wheels - pcs. 6; 3. Compressor - No. 2; 4. Desktop PLS module - pcs. 2; 5. Training license for eLearning-200. Training license for an interactive system with 13 courses in Bulgarian and English - issue 2; 6. Portable hydraulic pump - pcs. 3; 7. Special hydraulic oil - pcs. 3; 8. Training bench – vacuum technologies – No 2; 9. Base hydraulics / transparent elements - pcs. 3; 10. Educational stand electro-hydraulic /.transparent elements/ - pcs. 3; 11. Basics of electrical engineering /in a suitcase/ - pcs. 2; 12. Training stand pneumatics and electro-pneumatics - No. 3; 13. Academic stand hydraulics for advanced / transparent elements / - pcs. 3; Under PO 2, the supply includes: 1. Supervisory Control and Data Collection System (SCADA Annex) - No. 1; 2. PLS Programming Cable with Ethernet - No. 1; 3. PLC programming software - No. 1; 4. Training stand for Industry 4.0 with collaborative robot - No. 1; Under OP No 3, the supply includes: 1. Main laboratory stand for the lighting system - pcs. 1; 2. Laboratory module for on-board power supply - pcs. 1; 3. Electrical power supply for the laboratory stand, including simulation software Automotive Lighting, measuring devices and accessories. 4. Laboratory expansion module for CAN communication - No. 1; 5. Installation and training - No. 1; Under OP No 4, the supply includes: 1. Stand "Lighting and Power Installation" - pcs. 1; 2. Stand for examination of electrical apparatus - pcs. 1; 3. Stand for examination of single-phase and three-phase transformers - No. 1; 4. Photovoltaic solar system with LED lamps for photovoltaic solar benches - No. 1; Under OP No 5, the supply includes: 1. Set of laboratory models of semiconductor devices - pcs. 1; 2. Set of laboratory models of digital electronic circuits - No. 1; 3. Set of laboratory models of basic electrical measurements - pcs. 1; 4. Set of laboratory models of basic electrical engineering - pcs. 1; 5. Training system according to analog circuitry - No. 1; 6. Training system in digital circuitry - No. 1; Under OP No 6, the supply includes: 1. Automatic battery starter charger - pcs. 1; 2. Rechargeable screwdriver - pcs. 1; 3. Drill - pcs. 2; 4. Vacuum pump combined (vacuum and pressure) - pcs. 2; 5. Water-jet - pcs. 1; 6. Digital dynamometer adaptor for ratchet - pcs. 2; 7. Digital caliper, - pcs. 12; 8. Torque wrench - pcs. 2; 9. Welding solar mask - pcs. 3; 10. Set of clamps for springs and makfersons - pcs. 2; 11. Gearbox jack - pcs. 1; 12. Mengeme - No. 4; 13. Micrometer - No. 6; 14. Fitting chair - 10; 15. Low profile jack type "crocodile" ("lizard") with a load capacity of 3 tons - pcs. 2; 16. Perforator - pcs. 1; 17. Folding crane for engines - pcs. 1; 18. Service trolley equipped with tools for car service - pcs. 8; 19. A station for diagnostics and cleaning of fuel injectors complete with ultrasonic bath, cleaning liquids and nozzle kits. - SG No 1; 20. Starter device - pcs. 1; 21. Engine stand 340kg - pcs. 2; 22. Engine stand - pcs. 2; 23. Stands for car, set - kt 2; 24. Wire feeder combined with welding kit - pcs. 1; 25. Schmirgel - No. 1; 26.. Angle grinder - pcs. 1; 27. Angle grinder - pcs. 2; Full information on the scope, volume and technical requirements for the performance of the contract is described and regulated in the ‘Technical Specifications’ for each of the lots, which form an integral part of the tender documents. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
39294000 - Apparatus and equipment designed for demonstrational purposes
09331200 - Solar photovoltaic modules
42961200 - Scada or equivalent system
39162200 - Training aids and devices
31730000 - Electrotechnical equipment
48931000 - Training software package
30000000 - Office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies except furniture and software packages CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
38000000 - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
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